driftmania aug 15/16, 2008 videos

got some tandem vids for a lot of you that missed out since the flyer said 2pm and never knew we went earlier. frens took the vid so dont mind the comments. this is raw files. i’ll have a non plain vid later on just put this together quickly.

very first practice run of the day

top 8 s14 vs ae86, announcer said s14 had it but ae86 advances was a fun tandem non the less :slight_smile:
also at the end of the vid has s13 vs s13

r32 vs r32, green r32 advances and dont mind the zoom in on the girls ass lol it just got in the way somehow

top 4 s13 vs ae86, ae86 advances and then i ran out of tape.



nice driving jon. you should’ve won that.

awsome vids… great first run mang…

jon i want a manifold now

yeah jon u did good :slight_smile: dunno what judges thinking

Dave Vickers, in the ae86 ended up coming second place to that green R32.