Drill, baby, Drill

This is an old article, but I didn’t see it posted before:


:wiggle: it’s a party. :wiggle:

take it. take it all

I’m for drilling.

Jayson, the owner of the company, sounds like a lying ass in the article. “Well, IF we went to court I’m sure we would have won…” means “we didn’t go to court so we DID do the things we were accused of. Please, let us drill. I SWEAR it won’t happen again. I want to be good to the trees and animals. Wait, no… I’m lying. I’m like the President, telling you things you want to hear just so I get my way. I’m going to do the same to your park just so I get rich.”

:tdown: to this guy drilling.

Also, i don’t see any mention of the gas or oil lowering our local prices… so, why would I want it?


We have Niagara Falls and now all these windmills. I’m going to see if I can find out energy costs in other states to see how bad WNY is getting shafted.


Fuck this guy and his BS corporate altruism. Ya, you settled for the sake of your employees…

Is this what we want? http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/STONEMANGUITARS/oilspill.html