Drink of Choice!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would def appreciate Crown Royal Special Reserve then. Good stuff

Pop: Squirt or cherry pepsi

Alcohol: Blue Moon, Mimosa’s

agreed. I think the Crown Royal logo is my family crest.

cap’n & coke

Yeungling in a bottle

bud lite is only acceptable when in a 16oz aluminum bottle shaped can.

I enjoy a few shots…royal flush, soco and lime, 151 when the mood hits

typically i enjoy sitting down with a 12pk and drinking beer…I can do without shots.

i concur w/ ya

ahh the only way to hide cheap champegne and cheap oj

manhattens. many.

Also LOVE Cool Whhhip.

Magic Hat #9 or Jinx
Honey Brown Lager (JW Dundee, Sam Adams)

Jager straight, or mixed with…anything.
Jim Beam, Sprite and a pinch of sugar.
Coke & Crown

sam adams white ale, Ommegang Hennepin or witte, Gentleman jack w/wo coke, Vodka and Nestea

112 unleaded from innovative :tup:

Still in college???

I prefer my beer to taste like something more than toilet water run through rusty pipes.

Ick…College beers are the suck and I never went all that much.

Worst College Beer

Natty Ice
Golden Anniversary
Miller High Life
Red Dog

Pretty much anything you can get in a 30 pk for under 10 bux

Its an awful thing when Bud and Miller are premium beers :frowning:

You guys dunnno wtf you’re talking about.

See, what you do is start out the night with the beer or drink of your choice right up to the point where you start to get pretty drunk. From there on out it’s all good times a flowin with classy choices such as Natty Ice, or perhaps some luxurious Barton’s Vodka. Primo my man, primmmmooooo.


Yeah but I remember when all three of us were at Quarter Draft Night drinking whatever crap draft it was that they were serving. They said it was Rolling Rock but I sure don’t believe it.

Hey anything with the name Barton on it is good shit.

It’s classier if you say it “BarTONES”.

my fave drink with a shot of vodka mixed in


note the link… its a picture… would i link it if it was work safe

haha. Well that’s a given. I assumed everyone pronounces it that way. :gotme: