Drink of Choice!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do I remember…

Some of it, the rest is a drunken blur :smiley: And how long ago was that, at least 4 or 5 years ago. Yikes, I just made myself feel older :cry: Andd we need to go out a drink again sometime in the near future.

Young and dumb…young and dumb :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember when i was like 16 drinking boones farms lol

my first beer was American Sports Star and a keg of golden ann…O M G it was awful but so cool at the same time

:word: we can go hit on some peoples daughters lol…Just like Saget says

I only drink 4 things:

Whiskey, beer, coffee, and water. Repeat.

whiskey ftw.

jack n coke.

jack + ice.

if no jack, then beer. none of that gay imperial aged stout king james IV moonshine ales though. those suck.

beer (sam seasonal, aviator red, bass, blue light)

long island iced tea from hard rock cafe…only place i’ve ever been to that makes it right, and it’s the most alcohol you can get for your buck

I’m sipping on this right now:

when i was in MGM with the family i had some good long islands. i had 4 of them dumped in a “coke” cup…then had a couple more… they tasted good. then last weekend at the company xmas party, open bar, i get a long island. all i could taste was teh gin. i hate gin. sooo, i guess it depends who makes it.

my sister tends at milligans. one of the other bartenders there had this drink “medicine”. i had it before a bills game this year… it actually tastes like medicine. im not exactly a light weight by any means, but this one drink started to get me buzzed. pretty good. wish i knew what was in it

your MOM’s sipping on fighting cock right now

ok yup thanks, didnt see the NWS. rar

for the burbon drinkers, you ever drink buffalo trace

basically anything with alcohol in it i drink, i’m always changing it up :tup:

yes. that is good stuff too, very smooth.

when did you become a baller? :stuck_out_tongue:

1.) BEER

Stouts, porters, brown ales…anything dark and flavorful if im sipping.

Budweiser if i’m looking for a buzz.

2.) Scotch

Johnny Walker Green Label (15 yr), because $80 a bottle is already too much let alone the $200+ for a bottle of the Blue Label.

Oban (14 yr), very smokey flavor, i love it in the winter.

I don’t buy the Blue Label a good friend of mine has it stocked in his bar. Then I crack open a Tyrannosauraus Egg with some Terradactyl wings :slight_smile:

Seriously the shit is good.

I like belgium and wheat style ales, and also any full bodied beer

don’t do the mixed drink thing, i do drink bourbon; bookers, rvw, blatons, and weller are all good in my book

as for wine, a nice full bodied red like a zin or petit sirah hits the spot

alot of people perfer the gold label over the blue label…

Molson canadien
then a shot of jack and a line of oops…LOL <that mix cures all

  1. Guinness
  2. Sam Adams Cherry Wheat
  3. Half guiness half cherry wheat(delicious)
  4. Molson Canadian