drive threw atm machine! so true

Did I say that it did?

Maybe I put it there because it is fun.

Plus it proves you can read misspelled words.

While posting in this thread I probably got more done at work, and got paid more than you will all day.

Though I don’t even know if I’d consider that an accomplishment.

And it’s only 11:30.


its great to see that this is a forum where they care about grammar and not what the actual thread/post is all about. instead they just mock people on it. now i see why i spend more time on other forums

I don’t believe you spend enough thyme of other forums.

I always had heard about the Low I.Q. forums, but never actually checked them out.

Is this one of them?

i found the original post amusing :gotme: you guys are harsh lol

Sure, it was kind of funny. And he clearly copy/pasted it. Knowing this, I’m unsure how he still managed to fuck up the grammar.

you want a cookie. wow congrates to you my friend! :rolljerk: your older than me and either you finished school or didnt care for it. im still in college, and this is a flexible place to work while in school. once im out of school then ill start looking for the jobs i want to do.

don’t get mad at me. I just answered your question!

Yup that was the icing on the cake for me.

oh and honestly if i really wanted to make more money and possibly more than you i probably could. reffing ice hockey games. i just stopped doing it one day which i really regret

I think it is in fact you that wants the cookies.

I believe the original intent of the thread was to “mock” ALL females. Why can’t we “mock” you then?

FYI, the word Mock fucking sucks.

I stopped reading after this, so excuse me if this has been said already.

Perhaps people aren’t correcting you to make themselves feel superior to you. It’s possible they’re hoping that you’ll learn from your mistakes, and save face by not sounding like an idiot at the wrong time. Someday you may think back and be thankful for these corrections. Maybe not.

“ATM machine,” “VIN number.” The redundancy makes people sound ignorant.

“Drive-Thru” annoys me, but it has become the common / accepted spelling. Apparently sign makers chose to shorten “through” for some reason.

I’ve come to the conclusion that most of these mistakes come from reduced literacy. The less often people have to read and write, the less they come in contact with proper spelling and grammar. How many people think “supposably” is a word? Or “irregardless?” I’ve definitely heard people say “for all intensive purposes” or “I could care less.” The latter really annoys me. If you COULD care less, you must have some level of care, but you’re TRYING to imply you don’t care at all, so the correct expression is “I couldn’t care less.”


that shit drives me crazy too.

I did the “I could care less” the other day on here and got called out on it. I even got mad at myself.

lol ive already said before as well with the spelling and grammar. i went to resource for it because its something i didnt learn well growing up. plus when im online. talking on a forum. i just dont care enough to correct anything i mess up. and you say there trying to help. fuck that. i no there just doing it to be a dick. it doesnt matter if shit is mistyped. its still getting the point across. so what does it matter. am i being graded in here.

yeah. i fuck it up sometimes too. i’m not (that) perfect.

i also don’t always capitalize the word “I”.

i don’t mind drive-thru

it would probably add millions of dollars in printing cost if every “thru” was originally printed as “through”.

However, threw is a legitimate word, and it’s meaning is NOT the correct one.

You, sir, are my new definition of “failure.”
