Driveway Estimates

Can anyone vouch for a good concrete or blacktop company?

I have had a few estimates on concrete but none of the blacktop companies seem to be doing any estimating until April.

I am looking at about 2800 sq ft all told.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please provide some location and time frame information. Is this a tearout of concrete or blacktop (or grass)? I may be able to help. Also on a side note, I’m looking into some interesting “surfacing” products for various applications (including concrete). VERY interesting stuff. Will be updating my thread as time progresses.

Cool…its tearout of a really garbage blacktop…it needs to be taken down to dirt completely and started over so that it is level and does not pond. Time frame will be from this moment until i find someone I trust with a reasonable price. The kicker is my parents and uncle have finished new build homes and will be looking as well for this year. Meaning I am offering a potential 3 driveway opportunity in addition to patios if you do that type of work. I have also planned on expanding my patio in the backyard and if you do concrete work I would like an estimate. I am in Lancaster NY near Elma/Alden

I will get in touch with my “people” and see where they are right now. I would like to talk to everyone regarding the “sealing” and “finishing” aspect of the concrete. Thanks.

I am going to join in on this buy and throw out that I have a devent blacktop driveway with some cracks to be filled and a good swal or some form of resurface. I will leave it up to the company to help me determine the best course of action.

What is “devent” blacktop?

If you are looking for a legit contractor with insurance, license, all that stuff, I can give you a price.

If you would like the same guys to do the work on the side, I can give you a much cheaper price.

Pm me with your number, and I can give you an estimate.

Decent. I have auto correct off as it makes more mistakes than I do when typing. The other mistake I made was swal which was meant to be seal.

Just havin a chuckle. No harm.

I need my patio redone and some ideas on a retaining wall to hold it up. My backyard is a huge hill and I need large boulders to make a wall to add stability. Something you or your people could do?

PM me some contact info. and I’ll see what I can do. Thanks.

Im in for a group buy on “side job” driveway lol. Need about 900SQFT, The cheapest labor possible heck ill even help with the work to cut down on labor cost hahah.

There is existing concrete, that will need to be tear up and cleared with alittle bit of grass that needs to dug up.
So fill me in when someone wants some money to do this as im ready and able.

I had my driveway done 3 years ago (blacktop) by Williams Brothers Paving. I got a great deal, as it came out pretty well, and has held up nicely so far. They were not great when it came to follow up phone calls though…that bothered me…

Any other news about this? Im starting to tear out my old driveway to make way for a 1 car deep,8 car wide driveway at my Lancaster rental property…

With tear out and installing new it came out to $4.50 per sq ft for my 2800 sq ft driveway

That’s the price I have received from several outfits for concrete

^ Fun way to spend almost $13k. :slight_smile:

As much as I would like to blow it on whores and a trip to Vegas, the driveway is the adult decision and therefore I must make it.

Growing up is bs!

What does a yard of concrete run these days?

$120 seems to be stuck in my head.
I need a new driveway, but I am way too cheap to do it. In a perfect world, I would only pay for the pour and finishing.

I wish I could remember the name of the company one of my contractors uses. A polish name I believe…
Anyone else know who kulbacks subcontracts?

I need some major concrete and blacktop done for this summer. Had a guy lined up and his main guy turned out to be a pill popper.
Need approx a pad 70x200 and about 200’ of 8ft sidewalks.
Backtop- decent size u driveway resurfaced and a 60x 150 lot resurfaced.
Will pay in cash but expect receipts

Just bumping this, received one quote for a 1,200 sqft concrete driveway for $6,700 or $5.60/sq ft. Includes fiber & steel mesh, 4" thick except for 5" apron, & application of cure & seal. Sounded reasonable to me?