Driving a standard correctly:


nice find, glad to know i know what im doing lol. only thing i havent done is the heel-toe. gonna have to try that sometime

pretty sure he said 1400 but maybe i heard wrong

its really fun once you figure it out. didnt take me that long either, but i have nowhere/no reason to put it into use so whatever

I gotta watch the heel-toe video but atleast I think I use heel-toe daily :stuck_out_tongue:

lol yea sometimes i do it just for the hell of it/for fun, although it can come in handy sometimes

1400 thats a hard launch…wait no mine is like 3500 at least

as far as AWD goes…
I have a “smart” clutch, it tells me when I did a good agressive launch. No dials or monitors to distract you, it does it by scent…its really neato!

:uhh: …interesting

links not working :frowning:

^^^pay attention

my BAD[size=2].[/size]

ask cooley for that video … 13000rpm’s in an rsx-s sounds sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet … but costs $9,000

edit: but at least those poor, oppressed connecting rods get released back into the wild

lol he didn’t say hard launch, it was “aggressive launch”

want to read this but the links dont work on my comp, help?

dude, we’ve alraedy taken care of this a couple times…


my idea of an aggressive/hard launch is definetly off the limiter. if you actually want to go, instead of spinning tires for 3 seconds, maybe 5500. yeah he says 1400, must have lots of low end torque.

I know its a super old thread but theres a lot of new members now a days and maybe a couple of them can benefit. A working link is posted on the first page, but I’ll post it again on this post.
