best way to shift during drag

hey guys
im sure most of us want to hit the drag strip at some point so here goes my question for the ka24e… yea i know some think its slow… whatever its good enough for me…

-best way to engage into first off the line (drop or feather or else explain ?)
-best way to upshift (what rpm to have in order to land into what rpm)
and best way to clutch when upshifting
-other ideas

Launch at 3500 RPM, slip the clutch really hard to minimise wheelspin.

Keep the gas pinned to the floor, when you see almost redline, throw her into gear. Keep the pedal down.

This is the fastest…not the prettiest.

post edited accordingly


Ummm, maybe use this as a tip at the strip? It helps to know how to shift hard. :slight_smile: It doesn’t necessarily have to be be used to street race. :slight_smile:

Street racing has lost all it’s appeal to me. It’s still fun to bang gears once in awhile though.

Hey man what’s up.

Well ronnie is pretty bang on with what he is saying. The RPM’s though need to be much higher though due to the lack of torque for the SOHC.

You’d be much better dropping it at 5500-6000. Yes thats high but with the lack of power you’ll probabley notice the tach drops to approx 4500.

Keep the accelerator pinned to floor, in first gear when the tach reaches 5500, tap the clutch and slam it in to second, from then on tap/slam at 6000. Remember to keep the accelerator on the floor even when quickly tap the clutch in. This is called power shifting and is very effective. It just takes a little practise to get it down.

I used to use it all the time when ever I lined it up.

Have fun.

Easy 8)

yes do what they said and call me when u blow a clutch after the first run :slight_smile:

with KA24E…

  1. rev to 3000 and dump the clutch out (this all depends on tires and clutch, launching is all drivers feel, you made need to feather or you may need to rev higher according to grip…otherwords you will bog)
  2. rev to about 5500-5800 in first and grab 2nd.
  3. take 2nd to edge of red and pop her in 3rd.

The faster you get to third gear the better, 3rd gear is where I noticed the car really takes off. Top of 2nd and bottom of 3rd. Hey this worked for me, and I beat a DOHC :lol:

Now these shifts will change depending on mods, I had full 2.5 inch catback. I drove a KAE with stock exhaust and the top end dies earlier. Once you feel the car isn’t pulling anymore you have gone too far with revs. The stock KA’s power drops off alot after redline, so going into the red is useless.


EDIT: and if I catch you practicing this on the street, I’ll make sure my car gets in the way so you loose your license. We don’t need anymore police heat as it is. Take it to the strip…

If your clutch goes after doing that PROPERLY once or twice, or even 5 or 10 times. Your driveline is cack to begin with.

I’ve made over 40 passes at the strip back in the day with OEM and non OEM clutches, some with over 180,000km on them and not had any serious issue.

It’s not GOOD for your car, it’s also not detrimental to it either. It’s not for the faint hearted, that’s for sure. Meh, cars are made to be driven and if you’re into that sort of thing and want an advantage of maybe even a couple of tenths of your time, go for it.

That being said, I haven’t had the need to speed shift in CAR in a long time. I haven’t been at the strip for a while and prolly won’t till I run big numbers for shits and giggles. I find it unnecessary for the road courses, especially SMP.

I still launch my car for a giggle now and again, but the speed shifting is only for the strip.

My bike is a different story, that shit is just huge amounts of fun. Speed shifting on my Litre bike from 3rd to fourth lofts that wheel like no tomorrow… ahhahahahahahhaha.


Yeah Im with ronnie on this one. Hector, I used to run every Friday and Saturday at least 4 times a night back in my Milley’s days. I NEVER had my clutch blow.

Powershifting works great and true it does put more wear on everything but, it won’t blow up on you unless it’s already on it’s way out.

Have a good one.

Easy 8)

what factors make shifting turn into powershifting or speedshifting ?

You don’t ever let off the gas, even when you clutch in for the shift. You have to be fast and smooth.


I usually let off the gas when I bang gears, you can be an asshole to the car and not let off and just slam the gear and drop the clutch and get a bit of a tug on the competitior but I often wonder if that is at all counter productive, if you have a shitty clutch it woudl be for sure. Since there is no turbo to worry about letting off vs. not letting off wont yeild too much ofa difference.

And you definatly need to slip the clutch off the line. My best advice would be to think of yourself as “rolling” the car off the line rather than “launching” it. Once the tires start spinning you’ve lost all hope at a perfect launch.

yeah i got a problem with wheelspin, so i think riding the clutch while at red then feathering it would be better than jsut dumping it or im jus gonna be wheelspinning down the straight

Don’t launch at redline.

Slip from a lower RPM 3500-4500. You won’t see very good results launching at Redline.

you shouldnt dump your clutch anyway

You don’t want to be launching a KA at over 4500 RPM. Around 3500-4000 RPM feathered carefully will make for a very aggressive launch. It is imperative that you know your clutch’s engagement point inside out for the best launches. A very little bit of wheelspin is ideal, I find the best launches have 2-3 really short tire chirps just before totally lunging forward because the maximum torque the tire’s grip can handle is being put down.

Dumping usually = excessive wheelspin or stumbling = not good.

I shift right at the redline, but always before the rev-limiter kicks in; if that happens, it’ll lose you some time quickly. Don’t shift early though either, G-tech has shown me benefits of going right to redline (DOHC, 6900 RPM) for each shift (with an intake installed).

Oh yeah, please, for goodness sake, use your clutch, and let off the gas between shifts folks.

letting off the gas is for pussys, the ka is so slow its easy to get good times with it, i think mine did 16.4 bone stock or somthing

launch at 4500 ish, shift at 6800 ish keep your foot to the floor and tap the clutch as you put it into the next year, if you do it properly your rpms wont rise much. when i powershift my rpms jump up 300 rpm max between shifts.

I ran 16.0 without beating on it… launched at ~3000 … hop hop hoppity 15yr old bushings hop and then I let off while shifting and still managed a half decent time.

You’re all granny shifting… not double clutching like you should. That’s your problem.

with my bone stock 240, 93 le slowest pos ever i raced a 99 civic hatch with

cai, exhaust, header, short shifter, springs, grounding wires, spray (not used) gutted and sticky tires

from 0 - 190 on the 427 south near #7

we stoped on the 427 and lined up by the time we hit 190 i had 2.5 cars on him

also raced marks fc that had header and exhaust and intake

pulled him off the line then he pulled on me in 3rd 8)