Driving veh. in race on hwy. used by public

Well, I had my court date this morning. I sat for hours last night wondering whether or not I was going to say guilty or not guilty. My friends next door neighbor is a State Trooper and told me last night I should request a continuence. He also said if I got one, he would ty to speak to the officer. Well, I decided to go in and say NOT GUILTY since I was NOT racing. I was simply behind the other car and we never broke the speed limit or anything.

So it is my turn. I say here and walk up to the desk. Judge asked “Guilty or not guilty?” I said NOT GUILTY. He then asked for the police officer and he stood up and said, “The viewing officer is not present.” Even though he wrote me the ticket and was the one who had to go, since he did not “see” anything, he could not testify. The judge said, “The court finds you not guilty. Have a nice day in this weather.”

Well, this helped out a lot. That is $275 and 5 points that I saved.


sometimes life is good.


everytime I went to a court hearing the pricks were sure to be there congrats on the break though


wow…congrats axe!!! ur a lucky bastard!!! :bigok:

congrats on the outcome

they are normally there because they get paid overtime to show up

Yeah I am SOOOOOOO happy right now. Now I might have to go back though for my buddy’s date since I was supposedly racing him. I guess two LOUD F-bodies will draw attention at 1:00 in the morning. His lawyer said since I got found not guilty, he should also. Now he has a lot more charges then me. He also got DUI, Driving with an open container, underage drinking and the same one as me plus 2 others that I can’t remember. He has already got his license taking away because of the drinking. They already know that he is screwed but me going in about the racing ticket my be beneficial for him since that could keep his license from him for another year because of the other charges…damn he really screwed up.




congrats. i know how you feel. i got off scott free from reckless driving and driving under suspention. sometime cops just like to scare you with big as tickets, then when you go to court you get off pretty easy. I got a damn good lawyer who knew everyone in the city court though.

Thanks guys. been so happy I am just here watching some movies and eating a bunch of junk food here at the house

damn street racers…just kidding man…congrats on not getting a ticket.

I gotta start watching myself when driving. I am going up for all these Law Enforcement jobs and if they see something like racing, it’ll look bad


A few us had our 5 points and the $275 fine waived also :crafton:

kinda a burden lifted.