Drove a F430 Spyder Today

No, I don’t have a pic w/ a penny and 4 of Darkstar’s pubes to prove it. So go ahead and hit the ‘back’ button now if you wanna call :bs:

Anyway, the first thing to say is the sound coming from over your shoulder at WOT snipping through the gears w/ the paddle shifters is PURE SEX. End of Story.

It’s balanced, stops great (has upgraded brake pads, he boiled the fluid w/ the factory pads at Thunderhill), and actually gives you a lot of confidence/comfort considering the amount of $ you’re throwing around.

Straight line it feels slower than my car, braking and handling it’s hard to say since I only pushed it to about 70-80% in the twisties (it was just a street drive, no track) but I’d say it is very similar to my car on the street tires. But the F1 shifting is just magical. I did consider myself a manual transmission purist. Hell, even my DD and beaters are all stick. But for a track car, I’d go w/ a F1 trans if given the option.


that would be a great opportunity to drive that car. even though you can match the performance of the 430 with a cheaper american sportscar, there is something to be said for all the perks that come along with a ferarri. thats sweet tho. im sure you had fun.

I would love to take one out for a day. Lucky you.

awesome…i love those cars

sweet :cool:… i bet it was a blast

no pic,no belive

Whose car was it, and why were you driving it?

congrats not too often to have an opportunity to drive a ferrari.

awesome…I need one

Being that you work in Mountain View (aka the Silicon Valley) if Im correct? I belive you.

wow are times really that tough? I mean I know you could find the pubes in your teeth, so you’re that broke you dont even have a PENNY? damn…

He considered the C6 Z06 before getting the F430 (obviously VERY different price ranges, but similar performance). It really came down to him wanting a 'vert, and he has the money so why not.

Of course if it was me I would have bought a ex-SCCA T1 C5 Z06, a Duramax, a trailer, a C6 'vert, years worth of consumables for the T1 car (pads/rotors/clutch/spare engine or two/etc) and a Prius (the Prius of course to light on fire in front of a bunch of hippies so they can watch as the batteries turn into an environmental dissaster area). But that’s just me.

The funny thing is this guy really did get the car for him. There is something to be said for a Ferrari V8 screaming over your right shoulder and F1 shifting. He actually stays away from exotic car meets and other beat-offathons.

Yeah, I’d love to take it for a day too but I don’t see that happening. There is an event coming up soon I might drive that 430 to for him so he can fly in.

w3rd that.

Yeah, it was cool… though surprisingly underwhelming. Call me jaded I guess. I expected to be way more tense and :eek4dance :eek4: :scared: driving it, but the car puts you at ease.


Coworker’s car. We BS cars a lot and I was helping him w/ a system so he offered a ride. Then he offered a drive, who was I to say no?

Now if I can just talk him into swapping co-drives at an event.

I need a house more… but I need one too.

Mountain View, yes. A certain search engine just happens to be headquartered there. I don’t work directly for them, but I sell to them. They like to spend.

See, I had done my monthly tooth brushing so I was fresh out. You need to visit again.


I’d be all over it, but this dude that owns this internet website called Pittspeed.com will be crashing here tonight, so obviously I’ll have my hands full. Well, not full per se, but occupied.

You have the civic now, its practically a FWD Ferrari :rolleyes:

That said I would consider burning mine to the ground if it would get me in a Ferrari haha. Sounds pretty cool though, can’t say I’ve driven anything that exotic.

Smokeyassturdface’s WS.6 :dunno:


Very nice… Saw a 360 (?? I need to educate myself in the Ferarri numbers) in Oakland a few weeks ago. There isn’t much else that sounds as good as an Italian exotic.

If he gets 20" dubs and a big wing, then it will be exotic yo!

Honestly the only thing I’ve ever come close on was a brand new C6. Few years ago I had a chance at a RUF tuned 993, till the dude rolled it at a track day :rolleyes:

haha. ya my Fbody is very exotic!

i agree tho TJ, i’d rather have a nicely set-up Z06 or cheaper car and other things than a 430. but ppl that buy 430s dont think that way. they have the cash regardless, so they just go with the higher-class car, even if a cheaper car can perform as well. i dont knock them for it though, cause i dont know many ppl that wouldnt like to have a 430.

blah. Ferrari > *