drug test question...

i have a t-shirt that says “im not on steroids, but thanx for asking”

someones clever!

They’re testing for coke, pot, etc. just as previously mentioned.

If you smoke :shaggy: and they do a lipid test, and you’ve smoked within the last 30 days, you’re probably SOL. Piss test, however, they will look for “tainting” agents (bleach, baking soda, ph adjusters, goldenseal, etc.) and if they’re detected, you’re assumed to be hiding something.

If they do a root-follicle test and you’ve ever done coke in the last 7-ish years, they can find it there.

Good luck.

Forgot that one, good catch!

Root-follicle is pretty expesnive, I don’t think they’re concerned to that degree in the restaurant industry. I think the CIA and some others might test to that degree.

watch out for random positives!!

i failed once for OPIATES. i told the woman there was no way, she let me retest, and i came back clean. she scratched the first results.

pretty sure its federal law to let you retest because false positives can be had.

and the mythbusters did prove that poppy seed products (bagels, breads) can lead to positive opiate results.

mmmmmk kids, see drugs are bad. mmmk soo dont do drugs mmmmkkk

Most companies don’t do hair follicle tests…the only time i ever got that was when i was hired for U.S. Steel…so unless the company your working for is just as big or bigger…you have no worries.

as far as mary-j-wanna is concerned

I havent smoked since early 2006

i havent smoked since early this morning but i could still pass if i was given three days

No you couldn’t. your a chronic smoker.
What else they teach in Quaker Valley after i left???

Thursday Put up $60 we will go over the clinic in kennedy twp.

ha anyone who smokes weed is a chronic smoker. man i kill myself. and screw paying 60 bills for that. i can get home test kits for cheaper!


you pay for it

Why would i pay for a failed drug test.

A your gonna give me head.
B I get to smash your gold Rx-7 with a Tractor Trailer.
C You remove yourself from this board.
D Your female relative does Ass to Mouth.

a you are a homo
b you are just pissed you have no good cars
c i have thought about it but eric needs another rotor head
d i got plenty of relaitives who enjoy that all are over the 300lb mark.

oh shit…lol

if your black it doesn’t matter about their weight…jim has been wanting to nail a black chick for some time now

ha nope im from a upstate ny/southern vermont farming family. we got plenty of farm animals that would be willing to do ass to mouth too. i’ll hook everyone up.

Acceptable substance abuse testing programs shall be conducted within established guidelines developed by the United
States Department of Health and Human Services Scientific and Technical Guidelines. The initial screening shall be by
immunoassay and require Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for confirmations. Programs and tests that
are determined to be equivalent to the above may be used following review and acceptance by Buyer. Acceptable tests shall
be 10-panel (8-panel by special exception) and have minimum cut-off limits as established by the Department of Health and
Human Services or as follows:
Initial Screening Confirmation
Drug Class Cut-off Limit Cut-off Limit
o Amphetamines 1000 ng/ml 500 ng/ml
o Barbiturates 300 ng/ml 200 ng/ml
o Benzoylecgonine 300 ng/ml 150 ng/ml
(cocaine metabolite)
o Cannabinoids (THC) 50 ng/ml 15 ng/ml
o Methaqualone 300 ng/ml 100 ng/ml
o Opiates 300 ng/ml 100 ng/ml
o Phencyclidine 25 ng/ml 25 ng/ml
o Benzodiazepines 300 ng/ml 100 ng/ml
o Methadone 300 ng/ml 200 ng/ml
o Propoxyphene 300 ng/ml 100 ng/ml
o Alcohol, Ethyl 0.04% BAC 0.04% BAC
(For reasonable cause, observed behavior, safety violations, or work-related accident only).