ATTN: Stoners

I recently quit smoking pot (about five days ago). I suspect I will be drug tested for a new job in about two weeks. I exercise regularly and I am slim with a very fast metabolism. Will I be clean by then?


There are a lot of factors.

How much did you smoke, how often. Do you eat healthy?

Do this to play it safe

Congratz on quiting :tup:

I think you’ll be fine

I would say moderate, a bowl or two 4 days a week. And yes I eat healthy.

Yeah, really. I needed a new job, and it was time to grow up. So I quit, and applied. And the application process went quicker than i thought.

Make sure you reverse course 3 or so days before the test, stop exercising and eat more than usual.

if you fail I will not feel bad at all …

The title was ATTN: stoners, not ATTN: assholes.

just use fake piss, works every time

ahahahaha oh justa4door u got STowned

Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

oh micah:mamoru:

LOL :clap:

no one …Im in a good mood today…

where is JEG

Anybody who gave me a pointer, thanks. And Justa4door, suck a dick.

soooooooo ur saying u had Cheerios

w/pee in em?

Both made me lol