drug test question...

i had to take a drug test for my new job as a restaurant manger, and the only time i ever took one was at a powerlifting meet, and they just tested for steroids. anyway, i don’t do any drugs at all, not even steroids, but do like alot supplements. i can list the ingredients, but the products i take are

no-xplode, cell mass, no2, ce2, off cycle, isf7, anabloic halo, l-glutamine, l-carnitine, l-taurine, caffeine, and aplodan…

anyway, i am a little worried because it was only a piss test, and all of that passes through my urinary tract. i know a blood test will come back fine, but should i be worried about a piss test???

Probably just checkin’ for pot or coke, etc. You’ll be fine.

No worry then no care.

I had about 4 piss test this year at various jobs.
If painkillers don’t show up on mine and they didnt ask you should be fine :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: hell i still have my prescription from my wisdom teeth taken out in 2006 and still take them occasionally.

never was denied a job for driving 18 wheeler.

they are looking for Pot coke herion.

if they ask which they won’t, because if your denied you wont even know you where. until you get the results in the mail. meanwhile the future employer already recieved it before you.

so how the hell do you pass a :shaggy: test? i sure as hell couldn’t…

Don’t worry, your roids WILL show up man


youll be fine because drug tests only test for certain types of materials, and if u were taking one for a job like that, its probly for basic drugs like someone above me said (ie pot and crack). Hopefully im right though

like everyone is saying it shouldnt be a problem, i was on extra strength vicodin when i took a drug test (it was prescribed for a broken ankle) and i passed it without question.

in a drug test they will test for weed, coke, meth, opioids, vitimin b-12, vitimin c and also test your niacin level.

if anyone is worried about passin a drug test PM me.

They test for B12 and C?

What does it indicate if a person has high B12 or C levels?

B-12 for energy…get a more productive worker. Vitamin C to keep you from getting sick…less days off.

there are various things you can get from GNC to get it out of your system fairly quick

cocaine, lactose, vitamin B12. Cook it up – crack

p.s. don’t ask how i know

I guess that’s true, I only ever looked at the drug tests from the negative side, not the positive side. My C levels have to be way higher than average. Too bad you don’t get a raise or anything for that…

Wow, B12 is in crack, I never would have guessed that, but it kind of makes sense.

they test for that stuff to check to see if your urin has been dilauted(sp?)

all the drinks do at gnc is cause you to pee a large amount while pushing more vitimans and such through your system.

watered down urin = pass on tests as long as you can fool them into thinking you still have normal levels of everything else in your system

if ur real active and work out hard alot u can be on watever u want and ull pass


not really. you still need to do more than that. they can still test for roids man

i dont take roids…i am all natural…

umm, i take a lot caffeine based stimulants…sorry im not cool enough to do drugs and know how a piss test works…when they analyze it, isn’t there suppose to be a normal amount allowed in the urine?? thats is why i listed all of my supplements, because if they test by what is a accepatable level of a certain substance, then i would be in trouble.

i wasnt saying you were taking roids i was just saying that even if you work out a good bit, its still not enough. most people who take roids work out a good bit. thats why i said that.

basically if you dont do any drugs stay away from poppy seeds 72 hours before the test.