Drug test question...

I havent :pimp: in about 9mos, but did (a tiny bit) last thursday (5/17)

When can I anticipate it will no longer be detectible by a piss test?


week or two from when you did probably. buy some of that shit you drink to clean you out and you’ll be fine. its about a month if you do regularly afaik.

FWIW I have been working construction 6-7hrs a day, so I have been sweating and drinking water a TON

Not sure if that makes a difference.

Plus it would be at least another 2-3 weeks from now before I take the test.

tarapin FTW if you have to take a test that is

if you have a couple weeks though, you should be fine drinking a lot and sweating

Go buy a detox…follow the instructions…i indulged a little bit about 2 weeks before my test…came up clean

if you get the detox, smoke all you want the night before…that stuff works good :slight_smile:

It has been out of your system since saturday (5/19)


if thta was ur first time smoking in a long while and ur not fat and sit around all day then ur fine.

Ok… lets educate lol. Since the nyspeed community often has questions about drugs and testing let me lay it down so we don have to have this talk anymore.

No “clean out” products actually work and clean out your system. It just doesn’t work. There is no product in the world that cleans you out from the chemicals that are in your body. It is a waste of time and money for whoever uses these stupid things. Also being active and drinking water a lot or sweating doesn’t do anything. The only thing drinking a ton of water will do is waste more of your time because they will make you go back and take another test if your urine is too diluted.

If you smoked “a little bit” fir the first time in a long time then you will almost always pass a piss test, and yes it will show up but not at an amount that constitutes a positive test result.

If taking a blood test there are not too many things you can do to survive the test depending on the drugs you take, frequency taken, and concentration of the drug.

When taking a hair test you are pretty much shit out of luck.

Most companies use piss tests because they are about $5 for a basic 5 type test.

those products worked for me plenty of times.

They temporarily cleanse your system.
They have worked me numerous times as well…

Niacin, or OTC products have worked for people at my work…or you could be the scumbag that gets his 8yr old to piss into a condom for him

I don’t smoke so it doesn’t matter to me but…

In the test’s I have taken they will measure the temp of the piss with a little guage right after you hand the cup over.

So a condom filled with piss is going to be ice cold, even if you keep it in your drawers.

My buddy did use that cleanse stuff, and it worked fine for a piss test. This was about 30 days after the time he last smoked.

word of advice:

this has gotten me 3 jobs and i didnt stop smoking weeks or a month ahead of time. %250 money back gaurantee

I’ve smoked up until the day before and used some cleanser called Stat I think. It’s a pill. Worked fine on multiple occassions.

I have always been under the impression the detox crap was bunk anyway…

Upon doing some research, it seems ill be ok. I am a fatty, but I have been seriously working my ass off every day, outside, for the past 2 weeks, and for another 2 weeks before I could possibly be tested. I also drink about 2-3 gallons of water a day probably…


Also being active and drinking water a lot or sweating doesn’t do anything.


yes it does, its stored in fat cells… so being very active helps alot


yes it does, its stored in fat cells… so being very active helps alot


Its stored in almost every facet of the body. Just getting it out of your glands and fat cells does just that, gets it out of those places alone.

if you have 4 weeks, you have nothing to worry about
