Drug test question...





you can get drug tests at most any drug store. i’d check into one of those and keep up the level of activity that you’re at. once you pass one of those (i think they’re like $20/shot), then do up the jobby :tup:

all natural supplement called Golden Seal is all you need, buy at any supermarket take 10 or 15 the day before and your good to go.
It nutrilizes the THC in your body % to % it’s also not something you can easily cause harm to your body with so the more the safer.

If your going for a drugtest anyplace other than quest i.e. a hospital etc. they can recognize alot of the chemicals used in the detox drinks that are used to mask the THC.


all natural supplement called Golden Seal is all you need, buy at any supermarket take 10 or 15 the day before and your good to go.
It nutrilizes the THC in your body % to % it’s also not something you can easily cause harm to your body with so the more the safer.

If your going for a drugtest anyplace other than quest i.e. a hospital etc. they can recognize alot of the chemicals used in the detox drinks that are used to mask the THC.


And finally another smart person, with knowledge on the topic chimes in. Thank god.


And finally another smart person, with knowledge on the topic chimes in. Thank god.


It’s not that everyone else isn’t smart, your average drugtest would be done at quest as it is simply for pre-employment. So the drinks are usually an ok alternitive, just remember it’s not going to completely remove the THC from your body it’s only going to mask it temporarily. Where as GoldenSeal with nutrilize it completely, also it’s found in a wide variety of foods anyways.

if your that worried and if its for pre employment get synthetic piss or have someone piss for you, make sure the temp is between 95-100 and your good to go, for pre employment they CANNOT watch you piss


But it is no longer an issue…

lol well i got mine next week, so im not sure which way to go.


lol well i got mine next week, so im not sure which way to go.



I feel like an ass for even smoking knowing full well I would be looking for a job.

where did u take ur test?


did they watch or stand by the stall?

I didnt take that job.

The one I got didnt require it…

Quest on Sheridan right? They just made me keep the door open while I pissed and told me not to turn on the faucet. A bunch of old hags bitched at me when I went in because I didn’t make an appointment when there voicemail says that it isn’t required… Then they commented on how it had looked as if I drank a shit load of water before I came in…

How about, you just not do drugs? That ever a thought? :stuck_out_tongue:


Quest on Sheridan right? They just made me keep the door open while I pissed and told me not to turn on the faucet. A bunch of old hags bitched at me when I went in because I didn’t make an appointment when there voicemail says that it isn’t required… Then they commented on how it had looked as if I drank a shit load of water before I came in…


thats wrong right there, they have no right to make u leve the door opened on a pre employment test.


ok i just took my hair test. i dont smoke but i hang around with kids that do and when i do its basically smokin in a small ass crx with 4 kids smokin so im right in their face breathin it in and i passed with flying colors so breathing it in will NOT show up in ur hair they also explained it to me at quest why it doesnt she used alot of technical terms so my brain shut off when she was talkin to me

dont buy any of that garbage, chances are they will test for some of the additives in it. just drink a LOT! of water and exercise…a lot!

now get off the internet and go for a run

one month.


Quest on Sheridan right? They just made me keep the door open while I pissed and told me not to turn on the faucet. A bunch of old hags bitched at me when I went in because I didn’t make an appointment when there voicemail says that it isn’t required… Then they commented on how it had looked as if I drank a shit load of water before I came in…


unless determined by legallity(probation or similar situation etc.), quest legally has no right (unless this is for a gov’t job) to have you keep the door open…just fyi

so next time tell them to back the fuck up

ever see the movie harsh times

if you fuck around youll just end up being sent to south america to shoot federali’s

Do anyone of you administer drug tests? I doubt it. Guess what, I do. I have been conducting drug tests in the lab I work at for the past year. A lot of you really are lost.

From personal drug experiences. I had to take two drug tests in highschool little over 5-6 years ago, and one when I got my current job. I smoked like crazy in highschool and college. And up until I got this job.

For a Urine Test: There is a liquid drink you buy that tastes like shit. IT is like $35 at any smoke store. You have to drink the 20oz bottle of it about 3 hours before the test. Then you have to refill the bottle twice with water and drink it. You drink water 2 hours and then 1 hour before the test. Your piss changes to a really dark color, then lightens up. You start pissing like crazy. I had to piss in an empty gatorade bottle on the way to the test it was crazy.

How it works? I am not really sure. Does it? Yes it has 3 times for me in the past 6 years. Seeing as I am fascinated by this sort of thing it is funny how I have never looked into how it works. I feel as if it in a way dilutes your urine and adds color back to it.

Things people have posted above that I 100% do not agree with:

Goldenseal: Do it, there is an indicator on the tox testing screen for the active ingredient in Goldseal, so guess what that line comes up blank (Hence it is positive). You have one check against you.

Blood Drug Test: Are you kidding me? :bloated: Tell me how that is possible? Would you run it on whole blood, serum, plasma? You can run over the counter drugs, and lots of IV drugs on blood serum, but “illegal” drugs not so much. Our urine tox screens get confirmed at ACM medical laboratory by thin layer chromotography (TLC), this is done of urine. Urine screens are the most accurate and widely used test on the market. Hair tests are extremely expensive and have lots of flaws, and can result in lots of “invalids” wasting about $80 per test. Urine tests are $30 a shot and are more sensitive and pick up more drugs to date, and have a small chance of invalid testing.

THC stored in fat cells: Yes that is true. If someone has a high metabolism, drinks 8 12oz glasses of water each day, you will pass almost any substance from your body faster. The whole 30 day rule of thumb for pot is true, if you smoke maybe 10 days out of the month. If you smoke once or twice, it wont show up.

The weak positive: No such thing. The tox screen panel has 14 drugs, and 3 positive and 3 negative controls. Light pink lines form as tests become negative. If there is an absence of a line on the screen the test is positive. If a line shows it is negative. It does not matter how dark, light, pale, the line, if a line shows, it is negative.

The color of the urine: As long as it is not blue (The color of the dye they put in the toilet) It can be clear, it can be yellow whatever.

The temperature of the urine: This is taken immediately after the sample is collected by whomever takes the sample there is a 3 degree range around 98 degrees if it does not fall in that range the sample is immediately rejected.

Probably more for me to add, but I am gonna go swimming.