Drug test question...

This thread should read “NYspeed stoners inside please”

it depends on how much body fat…thc sticks to the fat cells!so the more fat u have the longer u have to wait…i have a friend who isnt big maybe 6’1 n 140 n he can smoke 2 days b4 a drug test n pass it depends on how much u sweat n how much fat u have…


How about, you just not do drugs? That ever a thought? :stuck_out_tongue:


i think the smartest thing said in this thread instead of gettin around it.

ok passed my test, and started work today.

i subbed my piss for synthetic…lol

worked like a charm, perfect 96 degrees, the tech took it, measured it, and packed it up.

simple, no drinks this time.

ugh I’m in the same position again

Kevin, how did you sub it? I’m not real snky…

I blazed 1/12 and 1/13 and need to pass the test probably 1/28, although I could probably push that to 2/8…


Carl I love you man, your shit cracks me up.

Ok goto decades and get the urinluck synthetic urine. Its 39 bucks. What you do is heat it up and i just put it in my sock, and walked in, they CANNOT watch you, nor search you, its against the law. Unless your on probation or applying for a cop job or military. Pre employment tests are basic, so once in quest or healthworks, just walk in and empty your pockets, go into the stall, shut the door and pull the synthetic out, and pour it in the cup, just make sure the temp is correct, between 90-100. They give you a little hand warmer to keep the correct temp. 100% not dectable on any drug tests. you can also put it between ur nuts and thigh, that works also.


pm sent

if you just smoked a little and you have NOT in months you will be fine in 3-4 days…

and yes, working and sweating helps because THC is stored in fat cells…

and if you do test positive there are hundreds of rx and non rx meds that could cause a false positive…

no worries :tup: :burnin:


this is for a bs second job. My real job (surprisingly) doesn’t test

I’m glad I’m so humerous

ugh don’t go all emo on me. I don’t like it.

i’m sure you’ll be fine… you are a smart cat.

damn it carl! you started smoking again and haven’t told me. you bastard. we need to rendezvous at duegers soon.