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i really dont think the difficulty of access that criminalization provides is worth the HUGE cost to society all around (lost tax income, extra law enforcement for possession, prosecution, jailing and probation for drug offenders) plus it puts the money into the wrong hands. Buying weed like a pack of cigs, with age restrictions and the shit taxed out of it, would still be cheaper and safer than buying it from a ghetto dude on the corner. 10% of the money spent on the whole war on drugs devoted to prevention, knowledge, and rehab would be more effective at stopping abuse than what we have now. Who doesn’t put something in their body cause its illegal anyway? Instead, ghetto ass dudes buy guns and kill each other over them.

I don’t give a shit if you do drugs. I don’t want to pay for the system to arrest, jail, charge, prosecute, and conditionally release you, in an effort to deter you from getting high.