Drug users click here

Do you drink? What do you think alcohol is?..Alex, what is DRUG for $400?

All of those wine connoisseur people are a waste of like then. And all those guys who do the whole Micro beer brewing thing, or those people who make their own wine. You tell me, assuming its legal, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND A DRUG ENTHUSIAST?

famous last words.

I was waiting for the alcohol vs. ____ argument. I don’t drink to get drunk but I do enjoy a drink.

IF all the bad things drugs do to people in this world could be stopped but the only fair way was to ban alcohol then I’m for it and would give up drinking to save families, kids, innocent people etc…

BUT the reality is that alcohol is bad and we need LESS bad things not MORE. two wrongs don’t make a right. I’m not sure if you have any siblings – if you do then you might have heard “life’s not fair…” that’s about all I can say. Alcohol won as the accepted drug and pot etc lost.

this will be a huge debate any second now lol

Funny thing is, alcohol is reponsible for more families being broken up and innocent people being hurt/killed(drunk driving) than pot ever has/will.

impossible to say… but when parents drink, kids don’t get second hand drunk.

in my hay-day of smoking I never NEVER spent more than 40 a week on my stuff…

i totally agree that sitting around smoking your brain away is a waist of life… how does the saying go, been there done that…

i can however justify an individual who likes to do it at night, after all the days work is done, at home just as millions of Americans can do things much more dangerous like umm drive to a bar, get shit faced and drive home… FUCKING STUPID… but it happens WAY more then people smoking and driving… my second point is what happens when you get a bunch of people in a bar drinking together?

-answer: it gets loud, people fight, get mad, make way stupid decisions, and shit gets broken

Now, what happens when people smoke pot??

-answer: they argue over who picks up pizza, then they realize that the pizza place delivers = no driving, food :tup: and a mellow relaxed time…

thc > alcohol

you missed my response above… BOTH = bad. more bad is worse then less bad.

2nd hand smoke is impossible to verify as most people don’t smoke in front of their children

The thing that really enforced harsh laws in the drug world was crack cocaine and the cocaine trade since it involved gangs. The violence and robberies is what is really whats being targeted.

I believe that some of these laws should be eased up on. Alcohol and tabacco is obviously legal, and look at all the fatalities due to lung cancer and deaths due to DWI’s and alcohol related injuries, compared to deaths due to cocaine, marijuana, pain killers, and ecstasy.

You hear of people being robbed, assaulted, and killed over these drugs, but nobody kills the bartender for a bottle of Jack.

Another thing is, the government makes out with fining and charging drug users, so there is another issue.

There will never be an end to drug smuggling into the US.

Also, doctor shopping is very popular in this day and age. People go to their doctor, complain of some sort of pain, and voila, heres a prescreption of lortabs or whatever. If you dont get the pills you want, then you go to another doctor that will.

But who knows what would happen if a lot of these laws get uplifted.

Here’s a good link to read about prescription pain killers:


no no no my friend,

the federal government back in the 30’s made marijuana illegal because of the release of antidepressants such as the benzodiazepines which act on the same/ similar parts of the brain as cannabis does (GABA)…

what happened is lobbist for the FDA convinced congress to make it illegal so the market would be ripe for other substances…

Actually they do, its called alcoholism. If you come from an alcoholic parent or family you are more likely to become an alcoholic or drug user. Its a proven scientific fact in brain chemistry.

I don’t want to make this a poor vs. rich thing… but my observation is that as the income gets lower people are more likely to smoke in front of their kids.

I can’t stand when people smoke in their car with the windows up and their kids in the back…

im done here, i want to go home and smoke :burnin:

Being rich doesn’t mean you cant be a drug addict.

I work with a lot of people that make $70K - $150K that beg me for my painkillers.

how did I know this would be a pot vs. alcohol thread in the end… they always do… you need something else bad to say another bad thing is good.

what’s next, people smoke pot for the vitamins and not the high? when you take the high out nobody wants it anymore.

you missed my point.

car 1 = new lexus, car 2 = beat up blazer… which one has kids in the back gasping for fresh air? you know it :smiley:


The only difference is the poor steal, rob, or commit crimes to get their fix.

Look at a lot of these celebs that smoke, blow coke, or doctor shop for pain pills.

Drinking alcohol is wrong? According to WHO? Some bible thumping faggots? Drugs are wrong? FUCK THAT! The government and industry Dumping toxic chemicals into the rivers and poisoning entire families with kids is WRONG. Forcing FDA approval for untested meds and product that hurt or kill people later just for the sake of politics and making MONEY is wrong.

If someone wants to have a drink of smoke a joint to try and forget that this world is full of HIPPOCRITICAL, BACKSTABBING, SCUMBAG, THIEVES of people that are the first to say “Thats Bad!” and then go do it when no one is looking… then LEAVE THEM ALONE AND LET THEM.

Everything is BAD! when it suits the person bitching about it… then they go and do it themselves.

WHat a fucked up world. All the whiners and people preaching their will on others need to shut the fuck up.