drunk halloweiner post from the Cutlass King...bee ohh fuckin bee

yeah i cant do anything about shitty alumni except buy my ticket and i do agree about the heinz field thing because i hate heinz field. three rivers and pitt stadium were torn down for the benifit of few… both were perfect for their purpose. i still have yet to meet someone who loves heinz field for either pitt or the steelers. you could have taken half the money spent on heinz and renovated three rivers and it would still be an awesome football stadium. heinz is really poop.

as far as the pirates…well i would certainly understand it better than most here. the pirates are competing for the money people spend on entertainment… so their competition is anything from the symphony to kennywood. Regardless of the record people still come out to the ball park and they did so often late in the season. I hate the way the team is but i too cant not ignore the facts that people still come for a night at the ball yard. the pirates and pitt split 2 saturdays this year so i would certainly call that direct competition… we offered a discount to those holding a Pitt ticket to entice them on 9/5 to stay late and watch us and on 9/19 to come early and see the buccos.