drunk halloweiner post from the Cutlass King...bee ohh fuckin bee

Give me a f-n break…that is a cop out and you know it. It is a fact that Joe Pa is a pussy and does not like competition and hand picks candy ass teams. If what you say is a valid reason then why should PSU ever have a FAIR 1 for 1 with a non-conference team? STFU you sound like a typical smug PSU homer.

Little to no recruiting benefit would come from such a matchup, last I checked the 2010 recruit class for PSU is ranked 2nd by Rivals thus far behind only Texas. If anything playing outside of Big10 country is the best bet for helping recruiting.

Just making a point that if there is any risk for PSU to lose ground in the recruiting battle…they will look for any reason to puss out. Anyways I think the reason why PSU pusses out to play Pitt is b/c of their last meeting…being shut out by lowly Pitt must have crushed their ego so much they will look for any excuse to avoid Pitt.

As for the Big10 Big Least comparison, last I checked the Big10 has more top 25 teams, with 4 on every poll to 3 at best for the Big Least.

Do you seriously think OSU deserves to be on the top 25? They are a joke this year and have a joke for a QB. Hey a little refresher Pitt beat Iowa last season…and last time I checked PSU got owned by them two years in a row