drunk halloweiner post from the Cutlass King...bee ohh fuckin bee

Pitt Homer…all trash talking aside…I guess my point on how college rivalries are a huge part of college football counts as a Pitt homer? STFU you are a typical PSU smug asshole. All I want to see (and a ton of other people) is a 1 for 1 matchup of two teams that are huge rivals…considering every college has to make $ it is perfectly fair for a 1 for 1 matchup…it’s not like Pitt is some small garbage school (i am sure you view it as one…smug) and cannot draw a sellout for the game. But you refuse to see this point b/c you are blinded by your PSU smugness…not sure how you view that as being a Pitt Homer…but whatever didnt expect a down to earth reply from you.