drunk squirrel anyone?


Must’ve had the spins near the end… :rofl:

mental note: get squirrel (or Jeff) drunk

Funny as hell but to tell you the truth that behavior usually indicates an inner ear infection found in a lot of backyard animals.

devin the animal expert who knew

ear infection=drunk


Lies! He just fell off of a Twirl A Squirrel.

I’ve heard this. link to prove?

Ask the dead groundhog i have buried on the side of my yard that i had to beat the shit out of with a shovel cause i thought it had rabies at first:rofl:

OMG! Hahahahahahaha. Funnier than the first. :bowrofl: :bowrofl:


devin is drunk blames it on ear infection

naw, devin just gets angry and starts fights with people on his side… :smiley: