DSM datalogging question

Thanks for reading this,

I drive a 1st gen dsm and have been datalogging using free software (mmcd)on a palm m100.
It hooks right to my obd and I’m able to record my log right onto the palm and review my logs on the small screen of the palm.

I don’t have any problem tranfering files from my laptop to the palm via hotsync

my question is,
Can I upload the logs from palm to my laptop?

I have been searching for this info on how to do this but have had no luck, I’m getting really frustrated. Is it even possible?
Please help, It would be SO much better to veiw it on a large screen along with being able to save the logs for comparison later on my DELL

You should be able to hook the sync cradle up to the laptop.

I hooked up the cradle up to my laptop and can get the palm to hotsync, but how do I get the logs from my palm onto the laptop?

I would really like to veiw my logs on the laptop, is that possible?

Plug into OBD, type in ALT-CTRL-DELETE…


Check out.


I’ll be honest here. I don’t think it matters.

What can you see on the laptop that you can’t see on the palm?
The logger is a great tool to have, but unless you have a way of synching it with a WB or some tuning device, it won’t really help you with anything. With an SAFC or some other piggyback it is still just educated guess work.

It’s not like DSMlink where you can adjust fuel and timing at precise RPMs.

I think I’ll buy different software. I know I can’t tune it on the laptop I just really wanted a larger screen to monitor what is being logged

thanks for the responces, someone from another forum directed me here http://mmcdtools.sourceforge.net I guess it wasent working because I don’t have excel… and I can;t afford it, so unless someone wants to burn me a copy or knows of a trial version, I can just use my palm