DSM junkies

I would do like 80 bucks

iight lemme get the car/buy all the nessary things first, then ill hit you up. i have a set of 16’s that are 5x114 from a 98 240 in my basement at my dads. so i could make those fit for now, but im putting them up on nicoclub soon.

Yea let me know cause otherwise Im throwing them on dsmtuner and dsmtalk for 140

sell me the laser

DarkStarTSI on DSMtalk.com


whats wrong with this picture :lol

its a red x?

works for me.

quote my post and goto the link i posted as the pic

That pics oldddddddddd

nothings wrong with it, you just wish you had those lights :nana

anytime i need to go on a dsm site, i log in under seans name ;D

Lmao so does hatefield

lol no theres not, but i thought it was funny

and yes i wish i had them.

i still have my 18 inch enkeis from my eclipse.

Vadim, im not paying 1K for winter beater rims. ;D

hahaha count me and Stallmer in too. We all abuse your account

It’s like a community name

i have not been on dsmtalk or tooners in a long time

same. i stopped reading/posting about a month after i sold my car

is there anyones name i can use to look in the classifields? im not waiting 3 months to look at a section… BS. should of made it # of posts only and like a week at most. Thanks to them alot of people arnt getting my bussiness. Nicoclub FTW. (shift too lol)

Well, the rules state that to see the classifieds, you must be a member for 90 days and have 50 posts. Become a part of the community and then you can see and use the classifieds.

Post whoring though will get you banned quick.

I’m not sure if my 2nd name has access to the classifieds

god damn the interiors are ugly on the 92’s

That is all.