PM’d you
Ok, here’s where I’m at,
New belt got chewed up!!
Thinking the hydro tensioner is bad…
Question is, with the timing belt completely off, and the hydro tenisioner still in place, shouldn’t it be fully extended, n putting force on the ARM(that is atatched to the tensioner pully)…
Rite now I’m able to move the ARM about a 1/4 in or so…
why didnt you listen to me and replace the tensioner?? thats the most important thing besides the belt. if you get a new oem mitsu tensioner, it will come with a locking pin like a grenade. bolt it on in place of the old one. then inspect the tensioner arm, if it has dimple in the flat surface where the hydo tensioner makes contact, then replace it (oem mitsu), buy new idler pulley and tensioner pulley, if you leave the balance shafts in and dont delete them then buy a new balance shaft belt (when this belt breaks it will most likely take out your timing belt as well). now go on google and search for “4g63 timing belt change directions” and it will prob give you a link to dsmtalk or dsmtuners and there will be a complete write up about each and ever step. either that or go buy a hanes manual from the auto parts store. and like i said before, buy the 4g63 timing belt tool kit from extreme psi or somewhere else bc it makes it sooo much easier.
Long story short I was under a time crunch, and couldn’t wait 3 days for th3 part to come in…
I’m a fucking tard now…
But I did grab a new oem one, and will be doing this job again on sat…
Live n learn…
believe me man, ive been there and back a bunch of times lol…and like i said, you will be able to do this job in your sleep after all the times ya end up doing it lmao! sorry to hear about the belt, good luck
cutting time and cost on a dsm will cost you your motor in the long run. Do it right, Do it once.
Extreme turbo systems aka ETS they are right there in Washington.
Anyone got the tensioner pully tool…
That I could borrow for an hr or so…
Ice cold beer for trade
Any if anyone has a good 2g 4g63 head w.o bent valves pm me…
Just incase I pull the head n find bad things LOL
I have the DSM tools, will loan for a case of sam adams summer ale
You got it…
243-9749 text me w.e…
Thanks bud
I like this guy, actually brought me beer. I like anyone who brings me beer.