Dubai 1-Ups... Dubai

so lick my ass and suck on my balls…

Instead of building this why not reinvest thier money into projects for the rest of the country. They aren’t all rich.

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday.

23 posts and all we had was an inb4? weak.

i wanna put 100000 tons of dynamite in it when its 99% done. (when no one is around ok so no CASUALTIES)



Ignorant ass americans.

Fucking dickheads with your retarded comments with anything to do with flying a plane into or around them.

See my post from last time we had this discussion.

Isn’t the reason for our economy failing ignorance?

Along with ignorant ass americans that figured terrorism on 9/11 was a bluff?

Sorry for going OT and causing an ignorant finger pointing circle jerk.


Edit: igno(rant)

lol even I didnt make a comment

What didn’t you understand, why not put money into the poor sections of the country, such as education and utilities?

Meh… im only impressed with how many meters can actually hold people. Granted, it still is the tallest, but in relation, its got a good few hundred meters of fancy metal that is just mumbo jumbo…

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday.

You’re kidding right?

Do you realize that countries like the UAE and Oman give every person that is a citizen a piece of land, not to mention a monthly allowance?!

Yah they should spend their money other ways…

We have a small office in Dubai for sales that I would love to go work at. Paullo lets go!

Pshhh… Only a select few get eduation. They all just hustle.

Plus what good is education when you’re standing in space, or shreading an indoor ski resort. :roflpicard:

Where’s the tallest building in the world? It should come as no surprise that it’s in the realm of Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, ruler of Dubai and unlikely poster boy for globalization. When the Burj Dubai (Dubai Tower) is completed next year, the 160-plus-story spire of offices and luxury apartments will be the latest jewel in the impressive crown that Sheik Mohammed, 58, has been steadily assembling for a quarter-century.
Working first as a deputy to his father, the late Sheik Rashid, and since 2006 ruling the country on his own, Sheik Mo (as some of his subjects fondly call him) has transformed the petroleum-poor desert emirate into a major global hub for business, finance, trade and tourism. Sheik Mo has made Dubai an internationally recognized synonym for success in a Middle East that has been plagued by war, civil discontent and religious extremism.
His pursuit of excellence extends from business to sports: a champion equestrian, Sheik Mo owns leading stud farms and hosts the world’s richest horse race. And it has made him a role model for a new generation of Arab leaders. Last year he set up the Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum Foundation with a $10 billion endowment; it aims to inspire knowledge, ideas and innovation among the builders of tomorrow’s Arab world. Dubai’s visionary wants young Arab minds, too, to reach for the skies.,28804,1733748_1733756_1735876,00.html

Planned high speed shuttle lifts will allow people to see the sunset twice - from the bottom and again from the top of the building.

Thats just absurd!

Look at it this way. Now the U.S. knows how the rest of the world felt as we built our capitalistic nation. Good for them. Nice to see so much more of the world making progress.

true… gotta admire them a little bit. They have the $$$ so more power to them