dudes, made the most delicious corn on the cob last night...

husk it but leave the bottom part (stem) connected to the husks and corn. soak the now bare cob in water for about 15 min. remove and shake excess water. sprinkle some garlic salt, onion powder, whatever seasonings look like they would work on the inside of the husk. lightly brush the corn with olive oil. put the husks back over the corn. put em on the grill part for a few minutes, then move em to the upper deck (bun warmer part) let em sit there for 15 min or so turning occasionally.

(i threw the meat on at the same time as the corn, burgers finished cooking a few minutes before the corn)

effin delicious! give it a shot

oh and cook it at medium heat y0

That sounds really good. I might do that tonight.

No salt or butter after you cooked it?

well duhhhhh lol

I heart grilled corn still in the husk!

I do it in the oven as well mmmm mmm good

of course i salted and buttered it after i cooked it! hahah

its so good man, my mom used to just boil the shit… she’s irish, what do you expect? now i know better

oh and fry wegmans has corn on sale, its not local but still good, 5 for $2 y0!

i like to soak them in chivetas (sp) and then grill them


Yep I’ve got some on my counter waiting for me to get home. I did a double take when I saw it at Wegmans last night.

im country as fuck and i dont like it cooked try it cold or room temp not cooked right off the dam plant. much more taste

So who will be the first to put bacon between the husk and the cob?

thanks for the heads up about wegmans, looks like corn and porkchops tonight :smiley:
I grilled all winter long, but I have to say I love grilling.

Me too I need a new grill.

Tdown to IMPORTED corn.

FrESH local grown is the only way to eat it.

the bacon idea might work?? brilliant!


yeah, you stick them in the grill

been there… noob.

i bet that tastes awesome, but wait till the local corn comes, mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Why am I not surprised by this :rofl:

chivetta’s is the shit, gonna have to try it on the corn. Def gonna try out Jam’s recipe. <3 the italian style seasonings.

because I’m ~235 now. :frowning:

Or because family is from Georgia?
