So i was talking to some guy that added me to msn and he saw my display picture (s13) and was like oh hey ive had like 10 of those cars with turbos and built motors im like oh really?..
what motor?..
he’s like zg30et…
im like wtf in my head…but to keep the laughs comin… im like oh yeah shits tyte yo…
how many pounds of boost your you running ?..
hes like um… i dont run pounds of boost… i gutted the interior and made it really light…
im like shit eh! …i was like yo what type of turbo you using ? dose it spool fast or do you get turbo leg? …
his answer was ummm i dont know the size but its big! and my turbo dont have a leg? wtf are you on? …
well this is were i step in and im like your a fucking idiot lol you dont know anything about your car. do you even own a s13 ?..
hes like yeah i own one ill show you pics.
im like sure make me laugh , i wait 2 mins he comes back with a picture that i found on google when he was “looking” for it. lol
heres the posers picture of “HiS” car lol i dunno about you guys but ive seen this car all over the internet so i think he could at least picked some other usual looking s13 lol
i call him on it right away…im like yo i can google shit to!
he blocks me seconds after and i deleted him lol some people tho eh , he was at first just interested in a item i had for sale on kijiji