dumbf*ck gets mauled by lion

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :owned:

NOT WORK SAFE Poor lion:(

damn, looks like the guy didn’t make it either?

Good for the dumb fuckhead. Should not a cage a lion to begin with.

wow, that was just a little too much for me first thing in the morning!

Is it just me or was that the worst display of CPR ever? Look at the amount of time it took for the two paramedics just to put their gloves on! :eek3:


awww poor lil lion :frowning:

Man, another reason you just shouldn’t fuck with a wild animal, some animals just aren’t meant to be kept in cages…

x2! :rofl:


Hate to see a lion get shot, but also hate to see people dumb enough to mess around with wild animals.

the first shot the lion was like “Is that all you got bitch” i’m still gonna eat this asshole!