Dumpy Pics of a Dumpy Vette with a Dumpy Camera

you know what i mean :lol

how did you do them, with film or spray? they do look good!

haha sam does too, she really wants to see this one for some reason.

LMFAO :rofl i have to take that out of the OP i meant to add the one next to it!! my B ni99as

Lookin good mang!

whats infront of the shop john?:lol


Vette is looking cashhh Kid!

I did 3 very light coats of black spray paint

then I took 300 grit sand paper, hit it real quick

put some Wd 40 on a rag, whipped them off real quick…this gave them the “shiny” look…then for my reverse lights I just sanded that down, then wd 40 again over that part only until all the paint was off that section…

then just a layer of wax and that was about 8 months ago and they still look the same and shiny…not a “dull” look like most do.

thanks homies :thumbup ^

nice, sounds fairly simple. Nice part with mine is there wont be any fucking around with the reverse light section, since they are separate (obviously) ill have to try it out. Maybe ill search corvetteforums for a set of stock tails out of a parts car and see how they come out that way.

do not spray paint your tails. just buy smoked lamin-x, wipe them with acetone and apply the decal.

just try them on your tails now…

if you dont like them, gas on a rag takes all the paint off then your back to stock.

Car looks good man. I was bored:
I can change colors or whatever. I went a little overboard on sharp and contrast to make up for the quality :lol

where can you get that shit brett?

word, its that easy?

DUDE THAT LOOKS SICK!!! funniest part is, i was gonna ask someone to write my name on the wall like graffiti. How do i make that my sig, copy ‘n’ paste?

Vette looks nice! :thumbup

Any plans on lowering it? Seems to be a lot of gap there!

Either right click to get thr “URL” and put that with the “IMG” tags in our sig, or save it and then click the “upload” button in the “signature” options on “user CP”

Redevil, i copy and pasted but its HUGE lol how do i make it smaller?

and usmc its actually low as fuck, scrapes that chin spoiler everywhere. Supposedly its as low as i can go on the stock bolts. There isnt much gap in person at all, maybe the angle of the pics?


Yeah, use this:


LMAO i know how do i make it smaller? Sorry im computer illiterate.

That might be it…It def looks low it just seems like there is a large gap, but yea might just be the angle, either way looks good!


missed it… redevil already fixed it… haha my god… pretty sure my computer almost crashed there