Dunn Tire tonight? The air is great today!


Supposed to be high 60’s low 70’s tonight and the humidity is VERY low. It’s a new format though so be sure to click the link.

Sounds great but getting out at 5, fighting traffic home to get the car, I don’t think I’d make it by 6:30

Dude you live way closer than me. I can get back to where I park at work at 5:30, drive home to Tonawanda, grab my car and make it there by 6:30 easy, and I have the blue water tower twice. The last time I got there at 6:40 I still got 4 time trials in, and made 10 passes altogether.

I should be there to get some baseline runs in on the car.

depends on traffic, I’ll either get home at 5:20 or 5:45. We’ll see.

Lancaster sucks, go to NYI on Friday!

I was just thinking, why should I risk breaking my input shaft tonight when there is a race friday lol

It’s 1.5 hours for me.

Saw a few nyspeeders tonight!

Sorry, couldn’t make it. Just got in the house…

No biggie, it was kinda aggravating. 2 massive oil downs where some dude leaked coolant the entire length of the track. Took 40 minutes to clean the one up. They sprayed the entire track afterwards to sticky it up. Big side gusts of wind too. Psphinx got yelled at, lol. I won’t post anyones times, they can do that if they wish. My best was a 7.19 at 94.37 and it still wasn’t a perfectly clean run. I felt the tires turn over once or twice on the initial launch.

Saw Bladez, Psphinx, Pauly, the dude with the red firebird with 6 banger wheels, Pryor, a few others.

my best was a 7.61,not my best but it was alot better than it has been.Im sure the cooler temps helped alot.

went 7.05 missing 4th, then i got yelled at to slow down lol.

def 6’s next time out, but i only have one shot at it as they have it out for me hahaha

Good runs Joelster. Car is running strong.

I got my baseline runs…time to begin modifying!

Why would they tell you to slow down?

No cage I’m assuming.

yep, need a a cage at 7.49 and faster. i refuse to put one in my street car though.

i just keep switching back and forth between empire and lancaster, they forget after a few weeks lol

Its hard to blend in with a yellow car lol

Nices times Joelster is that a best? When are you getting out to nyi? Looks like you and I would be a great run.

yea i know :confused: i have a feeling they arent going to forget the car either

Full vinyl wrap in different colors every week