Dunnville Autodrome lapping event (GRIP) - hosted by BE

BE is pround to announce our FIRST Dunnville lapping event to SON members

Date: Sunday, Sept 17/2006
Time: 900am-100pm
Location: Dunnville Autodrome
Prepay: $80
At door: NO WALK-IN this time

We’re limiting the track day to around 25 cars. For prepaid to reserve your spot, you can drop by our shop or do email money transfer and We don’t accept anymore participants when all spots are filled.

Prepaid in person:

Battleendless Performance
2-99 Select Ave
Scarborough ON

Prepaid email money transfer:


P.S. Helmet is fully recommanded for safety reasons. For those who do not follow this rule, the individual takes full responsbility for their action.

All prepaid must be in no later than Saturday, Sept09.

I’m not tring to take a stab by any means… but why is the BE dunville event $80 when dereks are $60?

I have fully enjoyed the BE Shannonville events in the past I am just curious as to the reason for the price differance.

All our track event’s price range is around $75-$80 for prepaid plus we accept pple share the same car with no additional cost :smiley:

I’m going to try and make it.
Tires are completely shot and ball joint on passenger side is shot from occasionally 2-wheeling the car on 3rd last corner of Fabi side all summer :stuck_out_tongue:


Car’s fixed after a long Saturday at the shop and Payment sent.
Hopefully Dunville is better than it was when I ran it in May.

See you guys next Sunday,

The 15 odd laps I did before my tranny spewed oil, and my exhaust nearly fell off, were fun. :lol:

My car is retired for the season. I might tow her to the October event if I have time.

Thanks for the awsome track days guys. I’ll definitely be out again next season! Hopefully too all of them again :stuck_out_tongue:
