Dunnville Track Day Footage

Doesn’t this throw you towards the left of the front straight? Your line makes perfect sense if the chicane wasn’t set up as such. I was trying to end up on the right as much as I could so I could line up for the chicane and lift as little as possible while going through. Maybe I misunderstood a dot or two?

looks fun

You don’t need to be very far right to get through the chicane, as Mike shows both successfully and unsuccessfully in the video. :wink: His suggestions on my line through that turn were very helpful. He was taking it pretty damn fast.

Still pleanty of time to move to the right a bit and buzz through the chicane. I was lifting in 3rd for a split second, 3/4 throttle through the chicane and WOT again as soon as I saw the right barrel go past the mirror. Except the time when I clipped it, then I was flatfooted through the whole thing. Which later in the day I was doing on my last couple laps too. You really dont need that much angle to get through it.