Dunnville Track Day Footage


MPD47 - You’ll want to watch this :slight_smile:

I cut a ton out, but the video consists of me chasing Mike in his friends stook, my spin (Viper966 please watch that part - you tried to warn me :lol: ) and my best lap at the very end.

Sorry Mike, for getting your name wrong. I could have swore it was MPD944 :frowning:

awesome vid :tup:

I need a seat that I can put my camera in :frowning:

looks good, how did you have the camera in there? make a custom mount for the pass seat?

he put the camera in the hole that was in the seat from the factory and used it as a “pressure” mount :lol:

Yeah man, I should be an engineer

I didn’t get a ride because of that mount
the things I do for people :cry:


You didn’t get a ride because you were out on the track nonstop! And I think when you were actually in I was out driving

hehe I stopped for a while, I wasnt out there THAT much. I took 20 min breaks :lol:

edit: great… now I want to be a race car driver because that was so much fun and I keep looking at the pic on my desktop!

hole in the seat? the back of the seat?


Great Vid! :tup:

If anyone wants to comment on/critique my driving, it’s more than welcome.

I’m actually looking for advice on the following:
I am basically forced to pit after 5 or 6 laps simply because my front tires are losing so much grip. I’ll come back from a 15-20 minute session with tire pressures exceeding 50 psi up front. However, the back tires are still at a comfortable 42-44, which is where I want to be.

Is there a way to remedy this? I guess I could start with lower front tire pressures, but the first 1 or 2 laps would feel limp without the proper inflation…

If you were sitting in the passenger seat, the “hole” behind where your head would go. It’s very snug and holds a small handicam beautifully :slight_smile:

You should indeed lower the front pressures then. You should be able to acheive a steady hot pressure after a few laps. You SHOULD be taking it easy for your first lap or two, warming everything up, checking gauges, doing recon making sure there isnt any gravel or anything new on the track. Which will give you a chance to warm the tires up anyway. As for driving line, from what I saw in the video you were turning in quite early, now I know in an STi you should, but it still seemed like you were a bit TO early, a bit to far from the apex and you didnt track out far enough. You’ve got the basics there but just need to refine it. Your “line” appeared “tight” and not so “clean”. IMO of course, also a double apex on the big turn-around would’ve allowed you to rape me down that straight and you had room for a lot more throttle in the right hand kink if you drove a slightly later/cleaner line. If you come up next time I’ll be happy to ride with you if you want. I also SHOULD have the 951 with me if anyone wants to ride with.

How did you drive that double apex? I tried tucking narrow all the way and it just would throw me out of my line, thats why I would start wide and draw in later, and lettering momentum take me to the outside again.

I’ll try and draw up off the course pic where I was braking/turning in.

good vid zong :tup: waht do you have your shift light set to? im trying to watch ur vid and pic up some pointers :smiley:

i hope onyx gets his up soon. im dying to see it

My shift light is set to 6700, you want to give yourself a little leeway since the needle climbs so quickly in 1st and 2nd gear.

Don’t do what I did in the wet :wink: :lol:


I couldnt draw for shit so I just put dots and figured I’d explain it. Basically, you’re going for a late turn in at the first dot, holding a bunch of speed through that turn, the second dot is your track out, you want to be smoothly feeding steering to the right while carefully and smoothly applying gas as you head to 3rd dot. You DO NOT want to fully apex on dot #3 from what I found in the st00k, there was also a slight notch in the grass that I used there to find where I wanted to be. You then slowly unwind the steering towards dot #4 STILL SLOWLY/SMOOTHLY feeding in gas. Once you get there you have start turning in at dot #5 which should put in in a position to spot your second apex, and aim for it while powering on, once you KNOW you have command in the turn you go WOT and hit your apex, shoot for your track out and grab the next gear. The end goal is to be in the throttle from dot one all the way down the front straight. But you have to be smooth, you dont want to give throttle back so you need to keep applying it, but you cant go to hot or you’ll spin or totally screw your line. Hope that helps some.

Edit: You can see me do this at 2:44 in your video, however I was still a bit to wide at dot 3 and should’ve been tucked in maybe another 8-10ft.

Excellent video. It made me wanna jump into the monitor. I could almost really feel it. I really hope to have the Conquest ready for the next event. If not, I’ll have to drag out the Saturn. Both cars do well, believe it or not.
