DWI or Get Fucked in the Ass (Black Cop)

Ok the debate is you get pulled over, and you blow a .12 over the limit

You get a DWI or the Cop lets you off, if he can bend you over the car and fuck you in the ass right there… Yes its a black cop so the cock is pretty substantial…

Do you go for the getting plowed in the tushy, or get the DWI?

After all the people I asked to night i think its just homo phobia kicking in where they wouldn’t admit it…

Personally, I’d get plowed in the shitter with no legal action

edit: And I already fucked up and voted for the wrong one… -1 for DWI please and +1 for in the shitter…



You can’t give me enough money to take it up the ass.

“A man can build 1000 bridges in his lifetime and suck one cock, and will forever go down as a cocksucker, not a bridgebuilder.”

PS. I’d bet you’d take it up the ass for a seat belt ticket, you closet homo.


“A man can build 1000 bridges in his lifetime and suck one cock, and will forever go down as a cocksucker, not a bridgebuilder.”

PS. I’d bet you’d take it up the ass for a seat belt ticket, you closet homo.


On both accounts… I agree 100%… hahaha dan u fag… go sober up… drunkie mcdrunkster… yea… im sober and at work this is dumb


Personally, I’d get plowed in the shitter with no legal action


Wanna know how I know you’re gay?

I don’t get this… DWI stays on your record… ok … no one knows other than the COP and who doesn’t tell anyone about it…

So no one knows you just walk funny for a week…

Both result in mental anguish.
One results in the possible destruction of your life, the other the possible destruction of your ability to eat mighty without shitting yourself.

Hmm… I’ll need some time to think about this one.

fuzzys got a point. those flood gates may lose their strength

ok thats ridiculous… so gay people… like goatse dude ( who actually isn’t gay at all, likes ass stretching… he is french thats probably why) shit perfectly fine…

dude. you are way too into this subject, and your expressed interest makes me wonder


ok thats ridiculous… so gay people… like goatse dude ( who actually isn’t gay at all, likes ass stretching… he is french thats probably why) shit perfectly fine…


Don’t make me bring out with the MS Paint diagrams.

no… this was just a debate that started on the way when a cop had two girls pulled over and we joked about them getting a DWI…

interview with goatse guy NWS

BME: Do you need to wear a diaper? Does everything still work?

I’m not a baby!!! Everything is normal for me. All of the “anal destruction” I’ve done was done by me with care, and my ass is as normal as yours is… Although sometimes when I’m taking a crap it’s huge because I’ve now got the capacity to really stock up. My digestion is trouble free though, and I’ve had no problems at all.

Closet homo much?

How is this even a question? No you don’t take it in the ass. The fact that you think penis size matters in this situation is conclusive proof that you’re a homo. “Well yeah I had a dick in my ass once, but it wasn’t a big one.”

well its just like saying…

million bucks for Zong to fuck you in the ass … or… shaq fucking you in the ass for a million… prick to a plowing…

I’m sorry, but in 5 years I won’t remember that DWI I got back when I was 22… however I’d be forever scared if something ever touches my anus.

DWI all the way.


million bucks for Zong to fuck you in the ass … or… shaq fucking you in the ass for a million… prick to a plowing…


what are you trying to say here? i heard shaqs hung like a field mouse…

hahaha amazing that you pick on zong.hahahahahahah.


once again i have to side with Mr. Fry… who should be with his newfound wife at this moment… it is 2 am… married people… ummmm… sleep around this time i thought… but seriously… dan you are taking offense to this subject as if it hits home really hard? did you get let off easy after a night of heavy drinking? or did a heavy night of drinking lead to a “wonderful” dream turned reality!!! :?:


I’m sorry, but in 5 years I won’t remember that DWI I got back when I was 22… however I’d be forever scared if something ever touches my anus.

DWI all the way.


also a very valid point… in a couple years… the dwi might be something you can brag about… shit, i know a lot of celebrities who have done it, however… the alternative… well sorry dude. FWIW i dont EVER see that making a pleasant conversation.

EDIT: why isnt this a public poll… dambet

yea… too durnk to make it public… missed that step :frowning: although I can’t wait til someone has the balls to back me up on this one… then the floodgates will open and everyone will admit it


I voted for the DWI. Fuck that shit. :lol:

^^^ We can only hope is two of nyspeeds female members.:lol: