DWI or Get Fucked in the Ass (Black Cop)

this subject is just straight gay


I’m at work, it wouldn’t be entirely appropiate to make here.


I can understand how butt secks may be frowned upon at work

If it was a female cop with a strap-on?


got another vote for DWI :frowning:

fufcking homophobes

Hmm this isn’t really hard. I’ll preserve my butt virginity and continue being a man anyday. If I was dumb enough to get tanked and drive I would refuse the test and just get a conditional license. Always a way to cheat what goes on your driving record.

man… I’ve been just driving around wasted hoping for a cop to give me this option…

and losing your ass virginity makes you less of a man? What if your ass viriginity was taken from you by force… IE raped in jail (fucking slippery soap)


got another vote for DWI :frowning:

fufcking homophobes


Sorry dude. A man’s ass being exit only is non-negotiable.

i don’t want a DWI. :mamoru:

hahaha WTF is wrong with you?



man… I’ve been just driving around wasted hoping for a cop to give me this option…

and losing your ass virginity makes you less of a man? What if your ass viriginity was taken from you by force… IE raped in jail (fucking slippery soap)


You must mean prison instead of jail. If you are in prison then you can’t complain about an ass romping. You were a big enough scum bag to be put in prison so what do you expect?


man… I’ve been just driving around wasted hoping for a cop to give me this option…

and losing your ass virginity makes you less of a man? What if your ass viriginity was taken from you by force… IE raped in jail (fucking slippery soap)


Valid point, it’s rape either way.

Here is my logic… ask yourself… how much money would it take to let a black man fuck me in the ass? If you say anything above $2000 then why would you do it to get out of a couple hundred $$ ticket and around a grand in ins increases??

It is like saying you would do it $1500 at anytime or place for the hell of it.