
would you guys be interested in a convoy out to dx2?

theres some great backroads i knwo getting up there (been going to mosport since i was 3)

anyways lets get a list going of whos in… and as well how is in for the car show.

thanks guys.


I’m down for the convoy.

I’m also in the car show…

yeah you can count me in too

Yea, I’m down for the convoy. Let’s just hope we don’t get separated
early on like what happened going to Shannonville.

I suck with directions. :frowning:

And I don’t get cut off by crazy bitches in civic hatches :evil:

oh, ill be in for the convoy , ive never been to mosport :smiley: plus ive never taken the 240 in a winding road before :oops:

im in

What’s dx2 ?

Largest sausage fest ever. http://www.driftnation.com

I was hoping to use this one soon…


Largest sausage fest ever. http://www.driftnation.com[/quote]

Hey there was quite a few girls at dx1 and not all of them had boyfriends.

Largest sausage fest ever. http://www.driftnation.com[/quote]

Hey there was quite a few girls at dx1 and not all of them had boyfriends.[/quote]

I remember mainly guys there last year… :shock:

I’ll go if I can convince my girlfriend to go :confused:

my gf is going.

she loves cars. i think the exploding engine made her like them even more.


My gf wont go and she wont let me go. When I took her to the single event the car smashed the curb and hit the fence right in front of use. One near death experiencs and she dosent like drifting sheesh.

lol i blew my engine iwth her in the car!! doing like 140!

shes all ready to go again


I am down for some convoy action.

And I really dont like to hear…
“…my girlfriend wont LET me go…” :shock:

aiya…(hears whip crack) :smiley:

:lol: yeah people need to break the wip. Thats why I’m single, I broke the wip to many times.

Its all about having the girlfriend whipped qwah-chee 8)

We still wish we got that on camera! :smiley: We just weren’t expecting anything to happen that early in the runs.