Who's going to DX2?

Just curious as to how may of us here are gonna goto DX2…

If there are enough people here going, I might be able to hook us up with a group discount.

so please SIGN IN HERE!

I might, but funds are tight this year :x

I already paied to enter in the SON booth so I’ll be there.

I’m in the booth.

Can we line up our cars in an orderly fashion this year?

i’ll be there and if im welcome id like ot be in the booth

i’ll be there for sure too

ill be there

Gonad: that would be nice

im there!!! but not booth :frowning:

me and 2 buddies

so who needs tickets?

i do i do!! cant i just get them at the door??

i do i do!! cant i just get them at the door??[/quote]

yes you can but if I can get enough people to buy advance tickets, we may be able to get a group discounted price.

i do i do!! cant i just get them at the door??[/quote]

yes you can but if I can get enough people to buy advance tickets, we may be able to get a group discounted price.[/quote]

I’ve got at least 4

I would hit it up. How much are tickets going for? Is there a convoy going down? That would be pretty cool.

i need tickets

I need tickets aswell