Nostalgia (DX1, DX2, Drift Nation era)

I was going through my photobucket and saw a few photos that took me back. Makes me miss the early 2000’s lol.

I still have the oil cooler off the Drifter X car. Thanks Jun.

Got the tickets laying around, and a big Signal sticker. I even have a Drift Nation sticker somewhere. Who was there at DX1 and DX2? Favourite memories? Anyone still have Drift Nation stickers? And who was the guy with a black S13 coupe, flip ups, am
Ed on coils, Drift Nation sticker, and lived behind Woodchester? I remember
ber seeing your car back when I was in high school. You and a few guys tore up the area from time to time. I’d remember you picking up your sister from time to time while I was with my girlfriend at the time. Who were you?

Also if anyone has pics to contribute, feel free to do so.

that event was amazing. I was there. I’ll try to dig up some pics as well.

dx1, my first KA exploded en-route with 3 passengers…

wow way back play back… i have video kickn around somewhere and autographd photos etc

Yes, I have a few autographed magazines as well. Chunky Bai accidentally tore one of my SCC mag’s. He looked mortified; I couldn’t care less. Nice guy.

I wish I had a photo of Bai’s atv stunting. That was too sick.

Special K, if you’re lurking around, toss up your lot of photos man, I remember seeing your photos back in the day and you had a lot of uber sick ones from the pit/ behind the lines.

i have an autographed shirt that i have never worn…

and this pic:

wow so this drift scene was in canada for a while eh?

body on the cutoff s13 keeps reminding me of a nsx

I have pictures from this event on my computer, the old owner of my car gave them to me…where was this held back in the day lol

DX1 was held at the Brampton Civic Centre, and DX2 was held at Mosport. That Skyline was too fast for that section of the track.

haha bing and tyler, thats a damn awesome pose.

haha, around that time I was too busy with gettting laid and skateboarding. I didnt even know drifting existed. Thinking about it I have only seriously started drifting this year or last(2009). 2008 was shotty with a rusted sr’d hatch. I wish I was in this from the start. noooob status.

I have that same wish. There’s no way I would have been able to afford it. I was trying to get a CA18DET Silvia with ice cream money. It didn’t work out.

Drifting has been around in Canada for a similiar time frame to the States. Video Option went to Laguna Seca in 95, and not much came of it. California had a large Japanese population, so gradually drifting trickled back to the States via Club4ag (Moto P) and Taka Aono, whom started Drift Days. Hawaii also had local drift days going on as well, and there was DG Trails out east starting up. It was all grass roots though, and mostly parking lot drifting (except Hawaii). I’d say drifting didn’t take off in the States until Funiaki Komatsu was brought over to Hawaii to tear it up in the Mazora Drifter X car back in 2001. Signal was planning to open up shop in Torrance, so they started to do these exhibitions for shop publicity. These exhibitions garnered a lot of publicity, and caught wind of many notable people (Apexi namely). Fallen also was starting to do exhibitions at the time, with Koguchi and co-Drift Show Off.

Drifting had exploded in Japan, but was still under the radar in the US. I"d say Signal and Falken really helped put drifting on the map, enough that big players like Apexi and HKS wanted to bring their guys over as well. Then the D1 Grand Prix went down in 2003. Drifting already had strong roots in SoCal because of the aforementioned, but it wasn’t massive yet. The first D1 is what really triggered the explosion. And a year after that, drifting was in Canada…But hasn’t really gone anywhere compared to the US.

It was so bad in the States, Lorin couldn’t get any American sponsors for Drift Xtreme. Nobody would put up the funds. APC was the only company really willing to pony up anything, hence the APC decal on Kumakubo’s Siltruck. Lorin was bringing transmissions through the airport, etc. Nopi was also one of the few avenues willing to give drifting a chance. People saw it as a fad, and there was a lot of resistance. I would say Lorin was responsible for putting drifting on the map outside of SoCal, Hawaii, and Englishtown, going to places like Atlanta which would later become a battle ground for Formula D.

The craziest thing abou DX2, was that it had two pioneering forces in North American drifting in one venue, in Canada. It was such a force, that D1 was gonna come to Toronto and do a drivers search! Then after D1 was like, "Drifting in Canada? What drifting? " And that shit never happened. Then I guess Angelo couldn’t afford to keep going with Drift Nation, and it went under or something. Drift Nation did a lot to bring the action here, but there wasn’t much of a foundation to work with. There still isn’t.

I know there’s loose ends. Guys like Neko Punch from Northwest Nissans I would say is one of the most notable people for bringing drifting to the Internet masses while it was a hungry baby looking to eat. Northwest Nissans had it’s thing going, then there was Benson Hsu with one of the most famous Sileighties, documentation from oilcoverkid and the GMR scene, touge explosion, etc. became the early days breeding ground and portal to drifting for a lot of people. The owners saw the cash cow potential and turned it into a business above all else, and that caused a lot of bitterness to the site.

Also Mike from Grip Video played a big role, documenting drifting in Hawaii ore-D1 and releasing it to the masses. So many ends, so much shit to cover, I went way off track. I guess it’s been pretty cool to watch drifting from its infancy here. I am glad I got to see it and be a part of history by attending unique events, and talking to lots of people over the years.

Damn son, you know your shit. I remember vaguely seeing a Drift Nation sticker on HeatW’s car when I went to my first son meet. this was back in 2007 I think, 10th and derry. I remember seeing applesauce’s or that dude with the purple coupe/silvia/ca18. My car was stock and I’m sure the members here thought I was stupid, cause…well in fact I was.

I’m glad drifting has became what it has tho. HOLLLLLA

I like how drifting is growing in Canada, but hate what it has become. I have had it out with Craig Lieberman in the past-I’m serious lol-over what he did with 2 Fast 2 Furious. A lot of SoCal drifters backed me up, somehow I ended up as a defender of drifting haha. Man, I still can’t believe that haha. Then I saw an SCC editorial by Christian Rado on drifting, and his plan to enter it/ his smack talking. The mods exited the title and there I was again, standing up for drifting in the midst of a fucking war that the mods started. Somehow I ended up at the forefront again, backed up by SoCal. Man, good times. I miss that stuff lol.

I was just a 16-17 year old kid with no money and a dream of drifting. I kicked out whatever cars I could get into without fear. I took one car nose to the curb on a hook turn and that earned me The monkier Mario Andretti. 120 km winter ass drags in hook turns., private dirt tracks, anything I could get my hands on. I wouldn’t have considered myself a drifter, but it’s something I wanted to be more involved in, and I guess that put me at the foont or in the pits of anlot of stuff. That’s how I know a lot about drifting, because of the people I chatted with, and the time frame I was in (2002-2003).

Anyway, here’s one of the first videos that brought drifting to the masses. Also check out Izumida’s gun metal ORC Skyline!! I love that car.

HAHA WOW !!! I remember that event It was great!!! Back in the day!!! WOW!!!

And I also remember on my way there racing on the highway agains 2 Toyota MR2’s The one was fast but not fast enough!

Good Times!!!

should of got into drifting over stunting.

wasted my 3 years trying to get the wheeli right. (kicking my self in the ass)

We all have regrets. Drifting sure as fuck isn’t cheaper than fronting in the Benzo. There aren’t enough track days to be competitive in a professional way., and the sun isn’t shining all year like SoCal. 50 back in 2004 got you a full day on the track at Ebisu. There was another small go-kart like track that was 50 all day drifting. Sekia Hills is priced similarly, as are many other tracks. Ontario is shit for grassroots drifting and this is why: everyone is dependent on charge-out-the-ass (mega) tracks. There is no Ebisu or Sekia Hills kin of track; a track that is pretty much good for drifting and that’s it. Drifting will never become more accesible and more affordable until such options are available. Ontario would be hard pressed to breed those kind of tracks it doesn’t share the same characteristics as Japan. That’s why people gotta take losses to get on a track, where as in Japan you can show up with 50 and drift tomorrow. Try and do that in North America.

It would be sick to even get a big parking lot and have bi-weekly drift days like in SoCal back in the day. 75 to tear up.a massive lot all day, or bi-weekly gymkhana. I wish I had more stability in my life, and money to change things. I’m not in a position to do shit, but I want to do something. I can’t even afford to get in drifting ffs., let alone make a difference in things.

well i could go back to korea… and drift all year…

but fuck how the fuck am i gonna make money down there lol lol

When I went to Canada Computers at Vaughan Mills I stopped by Henrys that was nearby and who did I see behind the counter? Alberto.

And just to be certain, I walked up close enough to the counter to read his name badge. Sure enough it was Alberto.

Anyone know his story? Why is he working at Henrys behind the counter?