dyno days?

my question is this after each pull on the dyno does the shop with the dyno tune the engine better for the next run or is it just straight dyno no tune

From the dyno comps I have been to, they just do a pull and your off. No tuning involved.

What are they supposed to tune with? :lol:

Basically you strap down, 3 pulls, and you’re off.

what if i brought my laptop to tune with?? some of us have standalones and widebands. :slight_smile:

I think you would be better off renting a dyno for a few hours if you want to piss around with tuning. I don’t think they would let you sit on the rollers for a long time unless you are quick with your tuning. Especially if there are a bunch of cars there wanting to get on the dyno.

It could take hours to tune a car right that would be a shi77y dyno day sitting around watching 4 or 5 cars get tuned.