unfortunately darkstar did not post what one of Xotic Motorsports printed out dynos look like. He posted a screen capture of what you see on the dynos actual computer. Not exactly what they print out in return to you.
Also, I have only delt with them once as per a friends suggestion, do you know how easy it is to go in, and re-edit your layout for your dyno sheets? Geeze. Shops can change things.
As far as my numbers, they were before the A/F Correction. As far as the grainy lines. umm look at the graph, youll see grain on the graph as well as the letters.
So I’m not a liar to you folks about this. BUT… I’ve said it once, and ill say it again. You want me to post proof of what i say, i do. The second i post proof, you pick that apart to.
and sorry but everyone else said it AFTER i just asked. The lettering look completely different that the picture. The lettering was crisp and clear while the rest of the picture was “soft” looking. Scanners don;t do that. It either comes out looking one way or the other. the picture will not have two distcintive looks on it…
hmmmm, the moderators locked the thread about this. Im pretty sure they didnt do it with the intention of you just starting another thread about the exact same thing.
Originally posted by Darkstar hmmmm, the moderators locked the thread about this. Im pretty sure they didnt do it with the intention of you just starting another thread about the exact same thing.