Dynoed the R/T

9 in the eighth is not that fast.

It’s not hard to run 9s in the 1/8th… Have you ever run at a track yourself.

You do understand that a 9.02 in the 1/8 is a 14.1614 in the 1/4, which is slower then a stock GTO runs


I know that 9 in the 1/8 is not fast but for a neon with 3 mods that is fast, also with your time in the 1/8th you can not tell how fast your 1/4 will be i dont care what you say there are just to many factors, im not trying to start shit im just stating the facts and from my experiance, maybe the gto drivers didnt know how to drive, how am i saposed to know… i dont really care all i know is that i will be out this year and if any one wants to race lmk i will be happy with the challange.

+1. I don’t care how you cut it. Not impressed. As Mike and I have said before, 11’s are the new 14’s.

you do realize that a lot of nitrous companies rate their shots to what gets put down at the wheels, right?

its a rule of thumb. 1/8 * 1.55 = 1/4 et

It will be awefully close in most cases.

Besides, its a 14 second car, whats it matter?


NX 150 = 150 whp generally.

IIRC, Zex was good about that too.

not bad, whats the truck do in 1/4?

I did not, i always thought it was at the crank. Meh learn something new everyday :gotme:

:word: my gf’s stock eldorado can do that running on 7 cylinders…