E Test Dyno

Ya so dumb question coming up…but…

You know how they put your car on a dyno when you do an etest? Can some places also run it for hp? I’m kind of curious what my car could do (even though I have a good guess), and I need to get an etest in march anyway.

Im assuming its just a different program they use. Thoughts? Anyone know a place that will e test it and dyno?

Id go to 2 different places but if I could get it done at once it might save me some cash.

Depends on the dyno setup they have, where I got my etest done there was a stand with a computer that ran etest software, and in the corner of the window I saw horpepower reading… so it probably depends on the equipment they got really.

GRAF Auto Center
151 Bentworth Ave.
Toronto, Ontario

(Dufferin and 401 area just south of 401)
Bentworth and Caledonia

Ask for Rudy Graf,
(just don’t waste his time, it’s a very busy shop).
