E34 M5 vs GTO *video*

:tup: good runs

awesome , always see you at UB …god i need an ///M


shit that goat is loud.

fine runs there. :tup: :tup:

you’ll get me i think

i saw your car near sheridan on monday, looks and sounds awesome man

My pig traps 106, maybe we can have a run sometime.

i guess we were both wrong.

by the way, my life is still flashing before my eyes. its on rerun.

i miss my 5 again. :frowning:

Good shit scott.

btw that was me on elmwood today

nice runs, looked like the GTO gave a car before the start of the second run and still pulled.


I see you all the time on Main st. Nice car. I am the one driving the silver a4 avant…

I recognized you. I saw you maybe 30 seconds after douching my bumper coming out of the Wilson Farms lot.

does the guy with the goat live in Hamburg?

Yes by SouthWestern and Camp

Cool runs. I like both cars, and while the goat is a goat, they are still impressive with mods.

ahh then thats the one that lives in my development

Gut that pig son! You DO need to gets some runs in though. MAybe we could do some just for fun.

theres like six fbods on my street wich one are u the orange, red x2, sivler, or pewter.