E36 M3/BMW guys

I’d really like to get into an E36 M3 in the near future, although I don’t know a whole lot about them. Are there any reliable forums/sites where I can find information (both performance and general) on them.

Any useful information from personal experience or other would be helpful as well, thanks in advance.

alot of nonsense but also a TON of good info

^word to this guy.

Awesome cars. Only issues I’ve seen on them were the rear strut mounts.


They are fun, great cars…

When looking for one know the following:

Dont fear miles, they run forever, IF PROPERLY MAINTAINED!!!
Check that the cooling system has been upgraded (metal impeller water pump, radiator, hoses, T-Stat housing)

Suspension is huge- Check that rear trailing arms bushings, lower control arm bushings, rear shock mounts, subframe bushings, engine mounts, tranny mounts, as many bushings as possible have been replaced. The more the better but dont kill yourself over it as these cars arent overly difficult to work on.

If its a 95, the subframes on this year were not reinforced and can cause a serious headache if ripped from the body. Check that this has been addressed if looking at this year.

When you start the car, open the hood and listen for any noises towards the front passenger side of the car (will sound like marbles in a can) which is related to the vanos unit being on its way out. The car may also feel sluggish on the bottom end depending on how far along it is.

Im sure im forgetting stuff, but these cars have alot of quirks to be aware of. Feel free to PM with any questions you have.

Talk to Frost he knows his stuff.

I <3 my M3.

If you want a 4 door auto M3 drop me a PM, I’d let mine go.

nothing about these cars is expensive to fix, but you can often have a nice long list of cheap stuff that you need to spend a weekend working on.

Everything you need to know before buying an E36 M3: Courtesy of Edge Motorworks


I have owned 3 and they are easy to work on.

I still like your first one the best :slight_smile:

:highfive: I knew you guys would pull through. much thanks. ill check all those sites out. and so far it only confirms my want to buy one.

i was on a mission to find one like a month ago. there are some really clean 95’s to be had for sub 7k…

good luck. they are awesome cars. i really want one still…

M3Forum.Net is the actual address

sorry i would always put in ‘.com’ and it worked fine…

just like with www.whitehouse.com :smiley:

wow, from the little bit of research I did I thought they were upwards of 10-12 for a clean one. I may be getting one sooner than I thought.