Easing a sore throat V. home remedys

Yeah caughing up brown shit and blood is a bad sign lol. Go to your dr asap. As far as helping it feel better, gargle with warm (not hot) salt water. Tastes like ass but it works good. Also lemon tea with a teaspoon of honey will help sooth your throat and help with the caughing.

For congestion I always do the fallowing:

LOTS of garlic!
Heat pad on the chest
hot shower, let the hot water run on your back for a while
A humidifyer is your friend! if you dont have one then boil some water to get some humidity in the air, this will help alot. You can also boil water then take it off the heat and put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam. This will help clear you up as well.

I have bad sinuses and in the fall/spring they go crazy.