so… i have mono… i’ll find out tomorrow if i have strep too.
my tonsils are just about touching… they are white and nasty… it’s really gross.
i cant eat… i cant sleep… all i;ve been able to do is take motrin and gargle with salt water. this sucks so badly… i’m so tired my eyes cant even focus anymore… but if i fall asleep i’ll choke. i have a spitcup because swallowing is such a bitch. every time i try to swallow now… aside from the stabbing pain… the liquid actually goes UP my nasal passage in my throat.
this is day 4 of hell… and it’s still getting worse.
Buy “Buckleys Mixture” cough syrup… Target pharmacy has it (no script required) and tops on the shelf. it will help out a great deal… more so then anything else on the market.
Pfftt… if you were half (Or hell even a quarter) the man Chuck Norris is. You would swallow a bee’s nest to take care of the dirty work, and shit out honey when done. :tup:
i had mono about a month ago, mine was as bad, probably worse. my tonsils actually were touching and every time i tried to talk they rubbed and i would gag. all i ate for a week was applesauce and jello, and on occasion soup broth. the closest thing i came to solid food was scrambled eggs. good luck, there isnt shit you can do about it but wait.
Do you believe their hype? Have you tried the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle? I am reading one of their books now, and am just wondering if you have personal experience with this.
I had something similar to what you described, go see your doctor and get some antibiotics and pain killers, I was MUCH better in like 36 hours, and then after 3 days I was fine.