East End - Kennedy Commons [Tuesday nights]

I’ll be by a bit later tonight.

I’m heading out now. It’s a little late, I forgot again, lol, stupid PS3. I was killing Helgans for 4 hours.

heading out now??? everyones long gone lol, too cold tonight to just hang around.

lol, it was pretty crisp this afternoon too…

That and I fell asleep after dinner today, woke up only 2 hours ago, so never bothered showing…

Sorry Mike :stuck_out_tongue:

Goddamnit, I missed another Tuesday. lollll

I went but no one was there except a couple of VW Golfs…I was like huh? I went straight after getting off of the 401, into the huge parking lots, I was like where the hell is timmies? I finally found it, and some random hobo dude with a french accent asked me for a ride to the next exit. wtf???

I will try again next week. Epic fail. lol

^ ^ ^
lol funny story, i beleive i’ve run into that same hobo.
damnit i wish my car was ready

another meet this week? if so im down.!! let me know… i have a red RX7 FD. ill be at KC


You the same guy who was in the red FC two or three weeks ago?

Oh, and does anyone need tires? I’m planning to bring a couple of old used tires. They’d be fine for drift spares or something :confused:

I call dibs on tires!!!

im down for this tuesday

Nick, these tires are 16’s lol

aahhh… can’t make it out later tonight again. boo. next tues for sure.

ill be there tonight. hope people show. should be a nice night!

i hope it dosent rain

don’t worry mike… it’s not gonna rain.

its’ jlee’s fault if it rains

lol i dont even know if ur being serious jlee… haha
i just checked the weather and it says its just gonna be cloudy…but will see

Jon will find a way to queer it up - he always does.

trust me… it’s not gonna rain… see you clowns there

I shan’t not be there