eBay (Half.com) Question

Well, I would wait till I received it. Name was obscure but Im guessing hes just a foreigner, but definitely a scammy name.

The dudes name is Norabhat Aneknidhi, from California. But he does have 35 feedback. http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=armwin11&ftab=AllFeedback

While I’m at it, after a quick google search, I found his photo gallery. http://pbase.com/armbis, maybe his account was stolen.

Half.coms Policy:

I shipped an item, but the buyer has contacted me and wants to return it.

We require that buyers and sellers try to work out any order problems between themselves first, however once a buyer has placed an order, it cannot be cancelled without the seller’s authorization (except where noted above in “Does Half.com have a policy regarding order problems?”). Even though you are not obligated to cancel an order when notified of a problem with the item, we encourage sellers to work with the buyer and issue a refund if deemed necessary or applicable.