ebay asshole..

ok i sold a set of 93 probe gt mirror’s on ebay about 2 months ago…

the sold for petty cash… 10 to 15 a mirror… and sold AS IS… then they where wrapped in bubble wrap and shipped first class…

guy received them…

HE claims ONE BROKE… during shipping… and the other was a pos…

he wants his full amount shipping back… plus money for me to ship them back…

MY question is… there listed as SOLD AS IS… so in that statement it means… sorry for your bad luck… RIGHT?

i mean i was actaully going to be nice to save my feedback rating by shipping him another set of mirrors out but that asshole left some ignorant shit on my feedback…

sooo now he is crying bitching about why i didn t send him his money back… …

so the item was sold as is… and he gave me shitty negative feedback… so WHAT THE FUCK was he thinking/ that dumb fuck will not recieve a dime from me as the whole point was to save me from getting back feedback…

so what do you guys think?

can he do anything about this?

HE also acts like a total asshole in emails and claims to be a retired cop… buying probe parts as a hobby…

he even tried telling me he would fly to my house from CALI!! for a measely couple bucks…

what a freaking joker… in fact if he DID FLY to my house if give him his money back just to laugh at him… tell him he just wasted all the money to fly then rent a car!!

:confused: :wtf:

also on ebay there was pictures of the mirrors… so he saw what he was buying…

and i saved him shipping buy putting both items together…

if he already left you bad feed back fuck him i wodent pay him a cent

Originally posted by turbotalon91
if he already left you bad feed back fuck him i wodent pay him a cent

yeah pretty much what im going to do…

you can reply to his negative feedback so people will see the negative feedback, and then they can see your reasoning also.

just did that…

pisses me off though cause it was shipped out next day…

try to make a impression and get good feedback then you got assholes who wantt o buy your 10 yr old shit and have it come in brand focking new…


If the package and contents were damaged during shipping, it is the buyers responsability to contact the courier to file a claim. If you stated “Sold as is” and answered any questions that he asked, you are in the clear. He may still leave you neg. feedback but you can respond to it. Just give him the contact for the claims dept. of the courier to show you actually doing something to help and not avoiding him then he won;t be so pissed off and chances are better that he won’t leave neg. feedback.

well unexpected can happen in shipping:

I broke numerous refers,dishwashers,microwaves @ GE

:WHOOPS: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You’re the one that sent me those Fawked up mirrors?


Originally posted by ChopNDrop
You’re the one that sent me those Fawked up mirrors?

yeah and your from cali to huh?


there was no insurance… his loss i guess

this dumb ass shouldn t of gave me bad feedback cause i was actaully going to send him another set out to him or his moneyy…

tell him to fuck off… as is means as is.

Originally posted by 1320
tell him to fuck off… as is means as is.

took the words right out of my mouth

call him a whiney kunt and to enjoy the AS IS mirros you sold him.

There were pics, he was just to fucking stupid to accualy INSPECT them or ask for more privately.

Just reply to him in your feedback saying they were sold as is and he was to fucking moronic to look at the pictures or ask for insurance.